Turbo Technics Hybrid

Danny S R

New Member
Hey all,

Had my turbo off the other day to replace an oil line, thought while it was off would email turbo techincs the number on it to get the specs/confirm my turbo....and got....

"The turbo you have is one of our hybrids (stage 1) good for between 230-300 bhp, can hold 10-25 psi, 0.63 housing. 360 screwed down thrust bearing, T28 based with a 55 trim comp wheel and -31 actuator."

So, my turbo has a smaller housing than standard!!!! (0.86?) So not really an upgrade hey........ :doh: Is there any reason someone would request this turbo?

Bought it off Jord369! on here.

Oh well still makes me smile at 1.2 bar :D



New Member
i dont see the point in having that hybrid had one few years back didnt do anything than what strd turbo does if your going to get a new turbo get a gt28rs or2871

Danny S R

New Member
Wasn't really planned on as an upgrade only planned on running 1.2 - 1.3 bar, it came up cheap so thought would do same as standard but have bit longer life with the bearing?

But with the housing I shoulda kept the standard one!! :doh: :lol:


So, my turbo has a smaller housing than standard!!!! (0.86?) So not really an upgrade hey........ :doh: Is there any reason someone would request this turbo?

One reason for the smaller exhaust housing is to improve low speed power ie faster spool up at the expense of top end power..alot of autocrossers use smaller turbos for this reason.