Turbo pipes.


Spent last weekend on the hills again, but was spoilt by Samco hoses being force off halfway up hill on both Sat and Sun.I am using Mikalor clamps of correct size, but the samco is pulled from under clamp leaving this on alloy. I use 1.7 bar on practice runs and switch to 1.9 bar on final runs. Anyone with good ideas. I have read steve,s idea, but somehow doubt wether this will stop the clamp from being slid off end of samco. I am thinking of trying to weld dimples under clamp to penitrate into hose. cheers den.


New Member
weld a small section of ali/stainless (whatever your pipe run is made of) rod to the ends of the intercooler pipe run, drill and tap and use a flat section that is then bolted down to the rods over the top of the silicon, or weld two lugs to the adjoining ends of pipe run and use wire to keep them together..both do the same job of preventing the pipe run blowing apart. You can buy fancy pre made bits that do the same job.

If you cant be arsed with that, try hair spray on the ends of the pipe run.


Thanks, All my pipes are alloy, and I had thought of welding small lugs with a small hole, each side of samco and joining lugs with wire. den.


New Member
hair spray can be used in many different applications, piperuns, re-sealing headgaskets and lets not forget kajagoogoos god awful hairddo's..lol
