Turbo nappy's?


Active Member
Been looking at these too mate.Idea is they keep the heat in which keeps the exhaust pressure high and as gas flows from high to low pressure it makes it flow faster so in theory reducing back pressure.It also helps keep underbonnet temps down.

My only worry is that it will keep too much heat in when you turn the engine off and cook the oil in the turbo.Anyone heard of this happening?


Active Member
Found this while searching for possible problems:

Thanks to Justin at jscspeed I was able to pick up the Turbo blanket kit and the lace up cool tube at a local autoX event. Yay for no shipping! I figured since I was so happy with the results of the wrap I would post results here.

the products:

Thermotec turbo wrap kit and cool tube charge pipe insulator, as well as a can of high temp paint I picked up at the local parts store.

Install: not too bad. I pulled the downpipe for wrapping / painting, which took a bit of time. The sewing of the wire into the blanket as well as the lacing up of the cool tube was done mostly by my wife. Overall I would say the cool tube took ~30 min., and the wrapping / painting was accomplished in a few hours (not including overnight dry time on the paint).

Results: I was lucky enough to have access to a very accurate temp probe from work. I took before and after measurements so that I could convince myself this was a worthwhile expenditure. These temps were taken at the end of my 30 min. commute from work, hopping out and measuring temps as soon as the car stopped (engine continued running)

Temp at turbo (touching the top of the hot side with probe): Before = 451F, After = 380F,
Temp at DP (Again, touching DP with probe) Before = 350F, After = 230F
Air temp 2 inches above turbo Before = 228F, After = 121F
Temp of charge pipe (touching the underside of the pipe above turbo) Before = 163F, After = 103F.

To recap: wrapping turbo, and wrapping / painting DP =

71F drop in temps at turbo, 120F drop at DP, 108F drop in air temps within turbo area, and 60F drop at charge pipe.

Not too shabby if I say so myself.

Driving impressions:
I don't think I notice a significant decrease in spool per se, but the car feels a bit smoother, a bit tighter, with a perceived increase in tq as the turbo comes on.

Overall, a worthwhile expenditure.Even if it turns ut to not have an actual effect on power, the piece of mind of running so much lower underhood temps makes it worthwhile for me.