turbo knackerd?


New Member
hi people,i have noticed on the turbo on the right hand side pipe, that theres a bit of oil there? does this mean the turbos on its way out? as it does smoke a bit of blue smoke now and again? cheers


New Member
Hi mate,

all turbos burn a bit of oil but if you're blowing blue smoke then yes it's possible. Watch your oil level to see how much it burns over say a month or so..

Do you have any side-to-side play? - whether it be left-to-right or up-and-down you should have ZERO play.. you do however, expect to get some play from the shaft in/out.


New Member
I do have a standard turbo you can have but won't be taking it off for about 2-3 weeks as I'm waiting for my T88 to arrive :)