turbo choice


New Member
think its fair to say my standard t28 has seen better days, been looking at past threads and it seems the 3071 is the way forward for me. my problem is all the other choices that go into it like which ar i go for internal/external wastegate etc, is there many issues in fitting an external wastegate? all i want is a safe 380bhp and for it to come in nice and quick, ideas??????

Fast Guy

Staff member
Check out the 3071 group buy thread and maybe pm some of the guys in there/ashills/fusion ed/stever pudney and they may be able to help you.


Active Member
3071r all the way matey.......all ive done to mine is a few little items and near 400bhp is at my right foot


regarding wastegates
you will love an external with a scream pipe!!


New Member
ITs a tricky choice.,

If sticking at 380 then 3071 with internal wastegate is prob your best option and also cheapest with little fabrication if any required.

Also a bit of room for more power if rerquired.

The biggest turbo available in internal wastegate now is teh 3076. athis is the bad boy I'm going for jsut deciding whether to go external gate or not.
I'm planning on starting internal, and change if required.

External wastegates enable more control over boost, with internal wastegates often not enough gases are released and boost creep can occur.

The slight downside of external gates is u require a tubular manifold and custom piping to pipe the gate, and also pipe the screamer pipe.

The upside being more controlled boost, less creep, and a noise similar to an airplane on boost....

Hope that helps.

3071 does seem to be the 400bhp turbo of choice. 3076 not enough experience but I'll see if I can help on that as I'm gonna try it.


Still waiting on some shims!
rossdj1983 said:
think its fair to say my standard t28 has seen better days, been looking at past threads and it seems the 3071 is the way forward for me. my problem is all the other choices that go into it like which ar i go for internal/external wastegate etc, is there many issues in fitting an external wastegate? all i want is a safe 380bhp and for it to come in nice and quick, ideas??????

If you want 380bhp then you want to look at the GT28RS / GT2871R

It will give you the 380 - 390bhp all day long @ 1.5bar

It will spool quicker than your standard turbo and quicker than the GT3071R

It will feel more responsive, nicer to drive on etc...



New Member
no, the same money more or less hence why I'd lean towards going for something a bit bigger for :

1 - possible future use
2 - run less boost for same power
3 - only downside of slightly more lag.

I think you should try the internal wastegate version, should be ok for that power I think.
In terms of AR, usually .64, .82 or 1.02 are the options. The lesser teh AR the less lag you will experience, but with a slight drop in top end power or power at high revs I think.

For your requirements, the .64 would be best as give minimal lag and also it your targets easily of 380bhp.

I assume you know for this power you will aslo need bigger injectors, air flow meter and ECU to be safe and sure.


New Member
OH, and price - there's a group buy for the 3071 all in for 950 .
Or you could go to tuners or you could source direct form States and save a few pound depending on whether caught for customs.

Fusion Ed

Active Member
3071 my turbo of choice for the gtir now. I get the feeling that some are wanting a larger turbo for no real reason, I really can't see a real advantage.