

hi stripped my garret T28 turbo to replace internals, it would appear that the turbo has been modified as it is running on ball bearings, i was lead to believe that the standar turbos ran on bushes, also has 360 degree thrust plate, serial number on the turbo is EC 0108J 446179-29 is this a standard par number, any ideas as to where it could have been modified ? cheers


New Member
jjs said:
hi stripped my garret T28 turbo to replace internals, it would appear that the turbo has been modified as it is running on ball bearings, i was lead to believe that the standar turbos ran on bushes, also has 360 degree thrust plate, serial number on the turbo is EC 0108J 446179-29 is this a standard par number, any ideas as to where it could have been modified ? cheers
Could possibly be somewhere that re-con's turbo's. :roll:


hi will get pics, can u post e mail and ill e mail them havent posted any pics on here > jim

Adam L

New Member
Rollerbearings don't have thrust bearings. I took apart a rollerbearing converted T3 a while back, it only ran a rollerbearing cartridge on the comp side though and used the std journal bearing for the exhaust side. Pretty pointless upgrade, Turbonetics thought otherwise, they've since stopped doing them:lol: