My R, Running Fine (Aprat from the normal tick over being between 1100 and 1200 RPM (which I have been told can be sorted by getting the idle control valve checked as this could be stuck or jamed or something), Firstly anyone know how to sort this?

OK here is the weird part on Sunday I cleaned the car and put it away again in the garage for Monday's trip to work, in the morning I took it out (as on lates) and it started to run really lumpy and it gradually got worse and got the to stage of trying to stall and cut out, I then parked up to have a look and check no pipes were off and nothing so I turned round to go home and on tick over it was cutting out nearly so I started having to use the hand brake to stop which keeping the revs up slightly to keep the car alive. I did NOT Floor it to get home I toodled at about 20mph and it started kicking out small puffs of black smoke (over fueling I thought) so as I got it home it started to run fine again as I was out opening the garage then when I got in it again to pull forward and park it got lumpy. Anyway after a few people adv this may be the Air Flow Meter I spoke to a mate who had this and he just cleaned his AFM connection and its run fine ever since so when he came to check mine we atrted it and it ran perfect again, we let it warm up and again nothing wrong (apart from no petrol), so we cleaned the connection anyway and went to get petrol and still fine, I have driven this today and nothing wrong apart from the high idle that I have always had...

Anyone know of this prob or has anyone experienced this as I htought maybe the stopping and starting of the car to go to and fro the garage and house to clean it may have flooded it or could it be bad petrol or what?

Any advice and opinions will be most appreciated, P.S I have a new Air Flow Meter Lined up and will buy this as a back up for future no matter what but just want to know what this could have been.




Active Member
Usually water getting into Plug 1 - did you use a pressure washer?

Be careful with hoses and pressure washers around the intercooler vent on the bonnet - the water just tips straight into plug one. Pull off the plug cap and dry out the well with a bit of rag or something - usually helps to soak it in WD40 b4 putting it back too!

Scared the hell out of me when I 1st did it..... R was lumpy as hell and wouldn't rev above 4K. Dried it out.... perfect.

Hope it's that simple!

GeeTee 8)


You beat me to it! :wink:
Water in the plugs, I'm willing to bet my hat on it. (I don't have a hat)
Take the leads off and the plugs out try to start the car to turn the engine over to force out any water in the holes, put the leads in the airing cupboard over night and the plugs in the over on a low heat for 10 minutes to dry them out. Put it all back in and away you go.
When mine did it it stayed like this until I got new leads and dried the plugs...
Might be worth changing your leads if you have not already as there is a little hole in the top which is designed to let the steam out when water does get in there, if the leads are old the hole can get blocked, plus if there is still a bit of moisture in the lead you will still get a miss fire even now and then.


Yep, as the guys said water in the plugs, i tend to put a towel ontop of the cooler/plugs when i wash mine, but be careful if you've just driven it hard and its hot in herre.

Other probs could be loose MAF or as you said overfuelling.

Apart from that, shouldnt be anything major mate. :D


New Member
Some plugs seal really well (like mine) so it may not be that, have known
a leaky dump valve to do it, also check your injector plugs and seals and
the little rubber stoppers on your inlet manifold


This happened to me about a month ago but it was found that the car was running off the battery which lead to a very weak spark and the plugs got very messy in the process. I charged my battery and sorted the bad connection on the alternator but it still wouldnt run properly. In the end i bought a new set of plugs and it run spot on.


Everyone says water in the plugs, but when i had one :roll: of my clutches done at mikes it p*ssed it down and the reservoir around the plugs was full of water for a good hour or so.
The plug leads are *meant* to seal and stop water getting in.
Now a couple of hours of water surrounding the plug leads, you would think it would misfire a little - i had NO problems or misfire whatsoever.

H980 Pulsarkid

New Member
I had a similar problem and changed leads and plugs and she was fine - she does still over fuel at mo in my opinion but I think it needs a tune up ! But still it solved what sounds like a similar prob ! :D


I had this problem, dodgy connection to the maf, cleaned the connector, and its worked fine ever since.


New Member
could be crud at the bottom of the tank, you said you were low on fuel, may have been a small bit of crap from the tank blocking an injector or something, when you turned it back on the priming action of the pump could have cleared it??

when i had water down number 1 plug well the car run fine normally, when driving at high revs this is when the car spluttered and missed
This may be a silly question, a few people have mentioned MAF, what exactly is this? Seems like it may be water in the plugs etc so will take the plugs out and check them as onle about 3 month old HKS ones but did not change the leads when doing this so may replace them now.

Will drive he car and test for a while and will in future cove rthe engine if no more probs as seems this could have been the prob


Anyway anyone know how to turn the idle down on the R fomr 1100 - 1200rpm to about 1000rmp which is about right?
