topmount/front mount question????????????????



hi guys, getting my top mount moddified to front mount it, just wondering if there is specific measurements for the end tanks or can you just have thrm roughly where they are in the pictures, as there is nothing mentioned in the how to guide. :?
any feedback would be great,
cheers Alfy :D


New Member
Unless you have got your heart on it dont bother mate!!

You can get a hybrid front mount kit for around £300 or just the intercooler itself for £130 there 600x300x76mm or 100mm.

This will be moe efficient and look a dam site better :wink: pm jimmybackb i know he has fitted one recently.


the chief

you have to mod the i/c as its to big to fit at the front(if you are going to fit it with the inlet/outlet faceing up or down with the endtanks at the side). if it was some how fitted to the front(in standard form) the inlet/outlet are at funny angles aswell.


im getting it modified so that the hoses go into the end tanks at the side as in most other front mount kits, pictures are on the how to guide on the wdsite homepage, but no measurements.

Was thinking of modifiying the end tanks so there was an inlet and outlet at the top to shorten the pipe run, similer to the norris design sytle cooler but dont know if this would work with the design of the core. any thoughts??????????????? :? :?

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
my mate did this to his cossie, thats why i mentioned it :D he upended one end tank, swithed the outlets for 90 degree bends and ran the pipework over the top 8)

i deleted the pics but i managed to dig one out :mrgreen:

trouble is if you want to do this with the r you' d need a shorter rad :( i suppose you could do it upside down and have a longer piperun like the forge or hybrid.



cheers Stu, so do you think the core would let the air flow ok.
would i be able to just move the rad down a bit?

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
alfyboy said:
cheers Stu, so do you think the core would let the air flow ok.
would i be able to just move the rad down a bit?
theres a fair bit of work involved in lowering the rad, cant remember offhand but the rad mounts have to be cut and welded lower. also a gearbox mount limits the room you have to play with.

hope that helps, stu

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
best give nd a ring and ask, im not sure how much size difference there is between them. the nd stage 2' s definatly got a bigger surface area but its not as deep.
it' d need some brackets welded to keep it in place too, the nd has 2 on the bottom that bolt to the cross member and one where the bonnet catch is.
keep us posted on how you get on (pics) :wink:

my nd fitting pics here



after pricing up pipe work and getting the topmount modified it just wasnt going to be worth it, was nearly £280, :shock: .
ill just save a bit and buy a front mount :D


was costing £240 for pipework, welding was getting done as a favor but id proberly give him £40 for his time, (maybe) :wink: