Top Gear

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Last seasons Top Gear was garbage, 2-3 actual episodes, then a 2 part episode to spread it out and then they made a 2 part "best bits" of the series, what a piss take!

Personally I think last season was a joke and the programme itself has lost some of its credibility.
I'm not fussed about the content or that its not really a car programme and more of an entertainment show, but its quality programming and number of episodes is getting less and less.

I just think they need to think about the programme episodes more than just blowing all their budgets on massive challenges and having nothing left for the rest of the season?


Staff member
I did read a suggestion that they're making the seasons shorter to coincide with new car launches etc. - The logic being that if you per-record several months worth at once, half of it is out of date by the time it's aired.

However, the logical response to that is (a) don't record them all at once; space them out a bit (b) do two or three "seasons" each year.

I quite like the "build" challenges; more entertaining than half an hour of three middle-aged men driving supercars around Europe.