Tightening sandwich plate


New Member
So i attempted to fit my oil cooler kit yesterday..

I've managed to get the sandwich plate attached and as tight as i can with my fingers and then attached the filter and tightened that up by hand as i always do.

Do i need to tighten the sandwich plate up with a socket? I don't have one big enough so will need to buy one if this is necessary.

IMO it doesn't need it, but thought i'd ask before i fill the car up with Silkolene!


New Member
Well i filled the car up and left it running for about half an hour and didn't see any leaks so i guess finger tight is tight enough .. for now, haha!

red reading

Active Member
till it leak's and empties your oil every where/blow your engine up,or you go to take the oil filter off and find the sanwich nut is stuck in it and you cant actually get the filter off the car because its trapped by the steering rack.


remove the filter and get that bolt done up properly, a 2 pound socket dont warrant blowing an engine;-)


yes you need to nip that up with a socket, you cant tighten a nut tight enough with finger pressure unlike a filter which you can get your hand around!
as above tighten it before you drop all your oil everywhere and blow your engine to bits;-)


Active Member
thats what i meant with my post. Didn`t just nip it finger tight, had a spanner on it to nip it up.

It provides clamping force to a seal at the end of the day and the oil system is pressurized