Tight Nut


Active Member
well been trying to fit a strut brace 8) But the 3 strut Nuts that are solid tight so tight that if i try to take them off there sure to strip off :sad: i have put wd40 and soaked them just cant get over how tight all 6 nuts are... one yes but not all 6 .:doh:
So due to me having pillow ball upper mounts would these be stopping me taking the nuts off
asa i dont have a clue what the pillow ball upper mounts are.. :oops: I just know there sitting under the nuts


New Member
No the upper mounts wont do anything to the tightness of the nuts.

You haven't got the car jacked off the ground have you? If so take it off the jack, put it on the floor as normal and undo from there.

I find that tightening the nuts a little further may help break any rust build up on the thread, then after that just go backwards and forwards until you finally work the nut off.

Typical easy job turns into an absolute major one lol, good luck :lol:



Active Member
These nuts aren't supposed to be that tight when torqued so, it's clear the previous owner did them up too tight.

Get a good fitting ring spanner on them, lean on the spanner the spanner up and give it a whack with a hammer, obviously in a counter clockwise direction.
Failing that, go down you local garage and get them to loosen them with an impact gun.

antgtir said:
Typical easy job turns into an absolute major one lol
It's not just me that finds that then ?! :doh: :lol:



Active Member
there good socket slip tight lads :evil: each time i try to get them off the worse the metal gets:evil: what a big job for £2.00 worth of nuts not to sure on putting heat on them as im sure this will burn my piant work :shock:


Active Member
yeah i may do that... im going to soak the nuts over night if no luck there getting it... its going to be a bugger to try and save the thread..


I think the best way of getting a tight nut off is to blast it with a shotgun, i'm sure some genious across the sea in america thought of that one, why 'o' why arent we as smart as our american bretheren.:roll:


iv'e welded new nuts onto the old ones, the heat during welding is usualy enough to get them off, plus the socket will be a good fit on the new nut.


Well-Known Member
I dont bother to f**k about with with wd40 etc on nuts that dont want to come undone, its far easier just to get the oxy-acetylene out and start burning things :lol:


I had a similar problem with my astra and the track rod ends, diff car, diff bolt i know but was only heat that got it off.

If you dont have access to a serious heat source, for about £20 you can get a MAPP (i think it is) based blow torch, next best thing. Far hotter than any propane plumbing blowtorch and not quiet as costly as oxy ;)