This is worrying!



Gutted, pulsarboby is getting high class these days lol.

(only joking mate)

Fire & skill

Vintage member
im joking obviuosly - but on a serious note im absolutely gutted for the guy and as stated this is worrying, if you read the ad its obviously a well loved car and was only selling for a genuine reason, i really hope as a club we can go out our way and hopefully find some information on the car, keep a watchful eye out for spares etc


New Member
I completely agree. I can't believe someone would do that :evil: . Just goes to show that nobody can be trusted these days!!


if i sell a car or bike i wont let any fcuker drive it unless they hand over the cash first (especially bike)!
ive lost a few sales in the past through this way of thinking, but this stops crap like this from happening.
and what if some little spotty faced herbert happens to stack your car???
they just walk away and leave you with the mess to clear up.

if there genuine then they will hand over the money before a test drive, then fair enough if they dont like the car for whatever reason, you give them there money back
and off they go.

anyway it wasnt a knife, it was a banana! the lying bugger:lol:


When i have sold my cars in the past, i have all my boys with me.
So they end up buying anyway...or
Sorry about the guy who got robbed. Will keep a look out for it...


Well-Known Member
Not a nice thing to happen having your car taken at knifepoint :evil:

andrew said:
When i have sold my cars in the past, i have all my boys with me.
I can imagine it now........................



i've been watching this car for about a month now trying to get the cash together. gutted. keep eyes open. that shit needs his head crushed in a vice. :evil:

Fast Guy

Staff member
Someone who follows someones every move, then covers them them with margerine, before taking them from behind:shock:
