theiving *unts


Active Member
At 0325 this morning my alarm decided to go off............ i just thought its a cat again fcuking about again on my little Rs roof.being as im such a nice neighbour:doh: :lol: :lol: :roll: ;-) i thought id better reset it quick to avoid waking people up...only to find some chave scum legging it over the fence:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: ........and guess what as i was writing this they tried again:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: im not sleeping at all tonight :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: if i catch them there gonna be sorry


i no how you feel jimmy simle thing happend to me but they bent the door and then ran off


Active Member
right ive had a look today in the day light and i cant see anything damaged or broken:thumbsup: so i think i must of just caught them:evil: :evil: ;-) but you never know i might find something in a few weeks like i have before on my old car:cry:.shes still here which is the main thing and my alarm wiring skills must be ok:thumbsup: ;-)

Fast Guy

Staff member
Put a disclock on as well if you haven't already. It'll give you more time if they are trying to get the whole car.


Active Member
im thinking of maybe getting another snap off wheel.the thing that gets me is that it on four axle stands so it cant be driven away


you cant have anything theses days without some little prick trying ti knick it.

You wanna get a pair of pliars and pull out there finger nails if u catch them!!!!

Fast Guy

Staff member
im thinking of maybe getting another snap off wheel.the thing that gets me is that it on four axle stands so it cant be driven away
In that case, they'd use a decent set of molegrips to steer with:doh:


New Member
Jimmy - think u need an air gun of some sort and go sniper mode on the bastards... try cripple them and then run down and introduce them to Mr Bob, Bob the baseball Bat.

Followed by .......

another sunny

Many years ago when every car with a gti badge was nicked i along with an alarm fitted an inline fuse on to the feed for the fuel pump, this was routed to behind the dash panel where i could easily remove the fuse when it was parked, the alarm detered most theives but on the occasion when they were a little more determined, they broke in but even after getting around the alarm they could not take the car with no fuel pressure, a very simple devise but never exected.