the old rattly roof bars


New Member
anybody know if you can get access to the roof bars by removing the interior light? ie enough room to reach in a put some foam pad underneath the bars?

nice 1 chaps 8)


New Member
under the light there is very tight mate.....i dont have small hands but even still when i tried to just remove mt areial its was a complete b1tch of a job and i ended up angle grinding it of so i doubt there is enough room to push anything foam to stop the bars rattling....? sorry not much help i know.....but boy its tighter than a nuns ****....might be able to sqweeze an expanding foam nozzle up the if the rattling is getting to you though.


New Member
yeah as someone on the modifiers club said he did it like that...

but i guess its possible to pull the light off and whack a nossle up there and spray the foam shit in there

dont know how many are loose but it does make a right old racket when its ticking over :doh:

just thinking of a way of doing it without removing the liner, as i know it will go back on with dirty hand prints all over it :lol: :roll:


there is a full write up on the modifiers club. I didn't use foam though, I didn't like the thought of it somehow disentegrating and powdering the interior.

I used some thin foam that you can get from a windshield place in their garbage. It's used to cover the windshields in shipping and protect them right up until they are installed.

Worked a treat for me.


Active Member
i had the same annoying problem,remove the light and slide a nice smelly magic tree between the rail and roof skin and replace the light,not only did it stop the rattle but it made the car smell nice aswell.


Active Member
silicone,have plenty sat in the garage and mastik guns, i have to many to count,so if you want one let me know lol.


Active Member
Dont use expanding foam wrong product for the job sikaflex 552 is what you want for the job mate ive used it lots of times and will hold the roof skin in place for another 10+ years.

I wouldnt use any other 1 componant adhesive than sika.
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