The latest scam ...



This joker saw my "For Sale" ad on and got me to send pics of stuff then replied;-

"Because my P.a is out of town and due to a depth i need to settle with him, I will inform my bank to mail out a bank draft of 4,500GBP which you are to deduct 500GBP and get the balance transfered to my P.a which will enable him come
over to your residence for all and pickups on my behalf.

To complet payment, I will need the name and address you want the bank draft to be made out to with a valid phone number so payment can be done Asap.. ...

I will be looking forward to your mail. ...."

It's either a scam or an effort at money laundering The advice is to ignore any such emails (thanks to Stephen Akinsaya).

Cheers, Ray etc etc


Still waiting on some shims!
Scam all the way... 30 days later is about the time when the bank finds that the money doesn't clear and takes it back from you...



Still waiting on some shims!
SickBoy said:
I would accept the bank draft then do nothing at all !!!!!!

See if it clears lol


Thats just it mate... It does clear... But then 30days later it is rejected...



New Member
them naughty nigerians are at it again:roll:

a friend off mine was selling scoob on ebay and he was being sent bankers draght after bankers draght and alot of them was from the bank of ireland, and he didnt even give them there address:shock:


New Member
if you are free and nothing to do

why not just accept. wait till it clear to the bank, then only ship and do
the refund.. tell them only refund once clear
from there see what their reply you

you know this scam sometime waste the time and effort
just to play with them

Fast Guy

Staff member
SickBoy said:
How does that work then ....surely if it clears thats it ???


Because the bank decide in all their goodnes that after they do finally reject it, they want the money back off you and your car has already gone, so you lose twice over.


New Member
i had one where that asked me to send the stuff right away and they'll send the postal order aswell, aparenatly so the deal gets done quicker?!?!?!

Green Dwarf

:doh: I guarantte you this is a scam. I personaly would not give themany ID or bank details at all. They could very well clean out your accont and set up others in your name. Sounds like a typical Nigerian scam 2 me. Id advise telling them or anyone that The car has a tracker fitted, and that you are not selling or releasing the car untill you have cash in `cleared effects'.

Most times you will see them disappear they will likely not respond to any further contact. Only take cash, and go to your bank with the guy and pay it in is the best advice cos u nevver know if its snide, or maybe snide mixed with real.

Snide bieng counterfiet. Commonly high value items are bought with snide ££'s. anyone not wishing to pay the money - real cash into your bank (and dont reveal your acc no to him!, its just acounter cash deposit!) is either bent or otherwise ain't got the money and so if you go along with it it wont be long before you have niether car or money! - Take Care! :)