the indestructable can has its front end done............


Active Member
finally wiv a little help of my buddies stu n matty aka mattygtir n dooie pop pop... and yes matty did get his hands dirty :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: i finally fitted my hydird front mount to the car :shock: well we started last week but run out of tools n hosing to do the job :shock: :roll: :roll: :wink:

so it took seven hours to strip the front of the car n put it all back ready for me to drive home from mattys to go to work at 0630 the next morning....its a 45 mins drive from mattys to mine so i didnt get in till ten :shock:
anyhow i had to wait till sunday 20 march to finsh the job...

i managed to wake up at 0700 and i got to mattys at 0900 :shock: me on time :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: well i managed to wake up matty looking a bit dazed n confused :D :roll: n we started on the gtir mission
well to cut a ong tedious story short......we finished at 0900 in the evening :shock: but it all in now n well please wiv the results.just need a little adjustmane here n there
cheers boys once again :D
ps piccys to follow cos u all know i like piccys :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Active Member
u should of been there .....wiv metal n hot melting plastic every where.mostly landing on my hands n face :evil: :x :shock: :lol: :lol: .......kerion thats the little adjusts i need to it was getting dark i had to do it quick it only took 3 mins to cut out :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: it s not a bad job :roll: :wink: ok ball joint king :lol: :lol:


New Member
paz said:
BenD said:
paz said:
kieron said:
what did you use to cut that bumper out :shock: :?:

a bolster and a lump hammer :lol:
:lol: Looks like a pizza cutter :lol:

I actually reckon he used his teeth to cut that out :shock: :lol:
PMSL possibly, maybe even scratched at it for a few days with his nails? :eek: :wink:
i reckon he had matty bent over with the bumper clamped firmly between his teeth, then with every un-lubed penetrating thrust, matty would bite a bit harder and eventually had chewed his way through :shock: , a sort of homosexual powered nibbler :shock: :lol:

thats why it took so long cos they were actually kinda enjoying themselves :shock:


Well-Known Member
kieron said:
i reckon he had matty bent over with the bumper clamped firmly between his teeth, then with every un-lubed penetrating thrust, matty would bite a bit harder and eventually had chewed his way through :shock: , a sort of homosexual powered nibbler :shock: :lol:

thats why it took so long cos they were actually kinda enjoying themselves :shock:

Perhaps thats how matty got his hands dirty. He was probably digging his nails harder and harder into the ground whilst in the throws of passion :shock:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
flmao! what a thread :lol: cut mine out with a grinder too :oops: know what you mean about hot bits of plastic :lol: its a little neater than yours though :shock: :shock: :lol: but it still needs finishing :roll: :oops:

tbh thought the kit looked pretty easy to fit compared to my little horror. didn' t even take the rad off 8) the pipe run is LIGHT and the ic is HUGE :lol: nice going jimmy and your bumper nibbler :p


Active Member
stu can i borrow your grinder theres a few on here i need to "talk" to :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :roll: :wink:


New Member
I used an electric scroll saw and it looks ace (then I was in body prep years ago)
ps lmao at this thread :lol: