Thanks and Groan


Well-Known Member
Hi Admin and Mods.

Any chance you can add a Thanks and Groan mod to the site.

For those who don't know what I mean, there would be Thanks and Groan Icons on each users post which allows other members to click on. The total number of thanks and groans can then show on their profile or under then Avatar when they post a message or thread.


Thanks and Groans.JPG



Active Member
I think there is something simular already with an approved/disapproved thingy at the bottom of the post,the star shaped thing?


Staff member
As above. - Click on the star and say "I approve" / "I disapprove", and it's probably helpful to add a comment to explain why.

I don't think it will let you just give approval/disapproval to everything and anyone, and you may not be able to see it until the profile pages are working again... but in theory if you get enough "approvals" it should start saying things like "Mad4it is in good standing with 15 ratings" (or something like that).

Not many people use it, but you may notice there are a couple of people who have risen above "unknown quantity with no rating".


Well-Known Member
Thanks and groan work well on other sites and is often used. I would highly recommend installing it. The current system is a standard vbulletin rating system and not very good tbh.
