Tesco 99 RON unleaded


Hi guys,
im wondering if anyone knows if there is an availability/time scale for when its going around the country.
I went to my local tesco in Newcastle and they dont have it yet, and there 97 ROn is more expensive than optimax !!


It's been here for ages

But my Pulsar didnt like it much, misfires, bad running and lumpy idle

All went away on Optimax...

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
A review of Tesco's 99

"Prodrive's Warwickshire test facility near Kenilworth was used to check out the company's claims -- which are undetailed -- that the petrol offers more grunt than standard petrol. Just how much more, Owens wouldn't say. "Testing costs a lot and there's no baseline petrol to compare it to as they're all different," he said. "It's just better."

This sounded amazingly vague, so with BS detectors on full alert, we thraped a pair of Subaru Imprezas :roll: and a pair of Ford Fiesta STs :shock: round the test track. One of the Scoobies was filled with 97RON fuel -- the minimum recommended by Subaru -- and the other with Tesco 99, while one of the STs was brimmed with 95RON, the other with Tesco 99.

It was a blind test -- we didn't know which car had which fuel, yet your reporter was able to distinguish between them by their performance alone.

The main effect was increased low-down torque. While we had no measuring equipment, the 99-filled Fiesta would spin its front wheels exiting corners under power at the same point on the lap where the other didn't; it also felt more torquey. With the Scoobies, the difference was less marked -- as you'd expect given the lesser difference between the two fuels in the two cars. However, it did feel more perky in the lower end of the rev range, before the turbo kicked in, and we were consistently travelling slightly more quickly at the end of the main straight"

The conclusion you’d have to draw is that a high performance car will experience less improvement using Tesco 99 as it's more likely to be running on a higher octane fuel anyway. But all modern cars with an anti-knock sensor and electronic ignition management should be able to benefit from it, according to Owens, not least because it also contains engine cleaning agents similar to those in Optimax.

I also put Esso's own brand of high octane in my car and was not impressed either. It was spitting and choking on that too, I’d stick with optimax or BP minim as they seem to be better refined than any other "high octane" fuel that’s on the market


I think it was in jap performance mag where they tested a wide range of fuels including teco's and optimax and even though tesco's had a higher octane level , they found that the jap cars ran better on optimax and gave better performance!


I think thats cos Optimax has a higher MON rating which is also important

Fast Guy

Staff member
I think a higher MON is better for high mid range boost, but I'm sure someone else can confirm that statement true of false.


In last months banzai mag they did a test with the tesco 99ron and they found it was shit , optimax is still the best

Chris G

Personally I have started using Tesco 99ron and can't tell the difference which is just as well as the Shell garage near me has just shut down and been replaced with a total :(

I did try BP ultimate for a bit but found my car didn't run as well on it.


New Member
In magazine test, optimax is the clear winner then bp ult then tesco99 followed by supermarket95 poo.

So peeps always put optimax or bp ultimate in your cars if possible.

Will find the mag and post up the figure later if i can find it, testing was done using an engine dyno with a cossey lump


i find mine seem to run ok on tesco unleaded but my r is standard and not modded! plus my nearest shell garage charges 100.9p per ltr!!!


The BP garage in Chester le street is charging £1.04,9 for ultimate

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
i ran my R at the pod on tesco' s fuel...there' s another excuse!!:-D :-D :-D

seriously though...last weekend i drove to santa pod following my missus in her colt...ie sensibly lol. i filled up with tesco' s 99ron(pitsea, basildon)and managed to use just under half a tank getting there.

today i made exactly the same journey but this time i made my way from the shell garage in Rayleigh just a few miles from tesco' s, i drove the way the bitch likes it! no tunnel went unmolested:-D

the car felt perkier (if thats possible) and i used the same if not a little less petrol that on the last journey:? :lol:

higher ron will protect you from det but a higher mon will ive you better power iirc and tbh after spending some time trying em both out iv decided that id rather run my car on optimax or a mix of them both at least.

my R doesnt like BP Ulitmate anyway:-D


New Member
Skyline has not had any other petrol in it since its arrived from japan other than 99 tesco and runs a treat

having said that, tesco are taking the pI$$ realise that the price is now nealry 98p! it was 91 a few months back


New Member
I have noticed i get better miles per gallon using optimax, no tesco 99 round here to try so cant conpare really, dont the liner have a clever learning function where they advance the timing themselves till knot sets in the retard slightly, remeber reading it somewhere where the ozzys reset every so often and they gain around 20-30bhp, might be wrong and dont know which models this works on


New Member
no idea i just dont have to use boost all the time like in the pulsar the gtr is fine in jst crusing on the motorway/a road without having to use the turbos :)

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
mattygti-r said:
no idea i just dont have to use boost all the time like in the pulsar the gtr is fine in jst crusing on the motorway/a road without having to use the turbos :)
:? i thought that could be said for any turbo car when cruising. i can sit at 80mph with zero boost on the scale:lol: