Taped bolt??


While I was tightening up the bottom hose to the rad i noticed a bolt with some tape over:

The tape is silver with red Jap writing on it!

Does everyone have this?? its like the tape you get on computer components if removed warrenty void :D hmmm wonder if its still under warranty :lol:

Hi Res



Fast Guy

Staff member
I've got it. It's one of the dizzy mounting bolts isn't it? If so, it's probably to show your ignition timing hasn't been messed with.
ahhhhh!! Cheers Fast Guy

Makes sense, has your bottom bolt got tape on?? its only the top one on mine.

Was goin to check the timing tomorrow :D


Fast Guy

Staff member
I think it's only my top bolt that's got it. I'll check next time I dive under the bonnet.