Switch problems.


Active Member
Not a major problem i know, but sometimes when i'm driving along minding my own business, the passenger door locks itself. Then unlocks. Sometimes this happens in extremely quick succession making the door lock lever go mental!! :shock:

Has anybody had a problem like this before? The drivers door is unaffected. I have a sneaky suspicion it may be the top switch on the drivers panel, you know the one that can lock or unlock the passenger door without leaning across and doing it manually. Am i on the right track? Can this switch alone be replaced or is it part of a bigger unit? :?:



Active Member
You need to replace the drivers unit, its toast.

Remarkably enough its also on my shopping list :lol:

To ease the problem and make it less annoying, when you get in the car lock all the doors by using the drivers door push button (the one on the door not on the controller unit).

When both the doors are locked, it will stop unlocking itself.



Active Member
Cheers Paz, i take it these little units cost a fortune from Nissan?? I suppose they shouldnt be too hard to get hold of given all the Rs being broken at the mo. :(


Active Member
warringtonjack said:
Cheers Paz, i take it these little units cost a fortune from Nissan?? I suppose they shouldnt be too hard to get hold of given all the Rs being broken at the mo. :(
No worries fella. You'd pay through the arse for it new though :lol:

As it is they seem reasonably simple to get hold of, but are still quite pricey, tend to be around £50-80 from what I've seen :(

As its more of an annoyance I've got used to it, but I've got my eyes pealed for one this month ;)



New Member
It's on my shopping list too. Nissan want £150ish. I found a really nice breakers who seem to think they get these switch panels in often. They said call back next week when stock is replenished. The guy knew what I was talking about straight away saying "thats the 1st thing that goes on those bloody sunnys" :lol:


Active Member
Do explain further Master Zia!!!

I take it we can just disconnect the switch? Its not as if we cant just lean over and flick the door switch manually anyway!!


Active Member
specialist tool required !! :lol: and indepth knowledge of jiggery pokery
