Suspension simulator


Staff member
I was browsing for somwthing else and found this, a simulator for people trying to setup their virtual race cars that they race online. Before people start smirking, this is as far from space invaders as our cars are from a toy car. In parts the model is incredibley accurate and whilst its in others flawed for our cars but overall I've got to take my hat off to the author for an inspired piece of software. :hail: :hail:

Its awkward to put real road cars in to the calculations as its based on the model for the PC game but as an educational tool to see the affect of roll and lateral g on the vast majority of your suspension components its great. Like a 5 year old you can just play with spring rates, ARB, camber and castor settings and get an immediate feedback on what's happening. I imagine most of it will be too complex for most readers but if you can get your head round what's going on then its far better than a few pages of me rambling.

Enjoy :thumbsup:



Jim, blimey, thats some spreadsheet.

Have you filled it in with R specs and stuff?? This might actually be a dead useful spreadsheet.

As you said, like a kid the first thing I did was dial in -4deg of front neg camber and try it with 1.5 lateral g :-D .