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Hi guys,

How is everyone on this snowy day today?!

I'm off work with this crappy flu/cold thing, but thought I'd make the most of it and do something constructive. So! I got paid my bonus yesterday, which I've now got exactly £2k left to play with (had various things to pay off/for)

If you remember my thread last month about what I wanted to do to the car.. well perhaps you can help.

I'm looking to buy the GT2871 turbo, a set of 550cc injectors and possibly a Z32 MAF (depending on how far my money stretches - I have no idea how much I'm looking at really)

I'm completely clueless at to what makes to go for and suppliers?? Does anyone have any info they could give me? I know the states is probably the best bet as it's generally cheaper.. anyone have any recommenations??

I just need a link and someone to say "buy that" and I'll be chuffed....

Cheers in advance!

Red xx


I wouldn't bother with GT2871 as I've heard a few people have had problems with boost creep after fitting this turbo, I'd probably go straight to the GT3071R which you can buy in this country from someone like Allen/Edd, Or go direct to ATP turbo's in the states, The Allen/Edd option is the easiest because they will supply it already set up for the gtir.

You can get the waste gate on 2871 ported though which will sort out the boost creep problems.

I can't see you spending much more than £1500 max on all those parts on your list, That leaves you £500 for fitting and setting up.

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Still waiting on some shims!
Odin said:
I wouldn't bother with GT2871 as I've heard a few people have had problems with boost creep after fitting this turbo, I'd probably go straight to the GT3071R which you can buy in this country from someone like Allen/Edd, Or go direct to ATP turbo's in the states, The Allen/Edd option is the easiest because they will supply it already set up for the gtir.

You can get the waste gate on 2871 ported though which will sort out the boost creep problems.

I can't see you spending much more than £1500 max on all those parts on your list, That leaves you £500 for fitting and setting up.


You don't use a GT3071R for 350 - 380bhp!!!

GT2871R will be fine for the power you want! You can even port it yourself if you must have it ported. If you are buying from Allan then ask him nicely to have it ported.

I've personally not heard of boost creep issues on a GT2871R.



RishiGTiR said:
I've personally not heard of boost creep issues on a GT2871R.


Steve had a load of problems with his 2871, That's why he changed up to the 3071.

He said it would just flutter away at part throttle when at motorway speeds :doh: , But he has no problem with the 3071, I also don't see why you can't use the 3071 for 350-380bhp :? , Its not a very laggy turbo so whats the problem ?, Also gives you more options if you later choose to tune further.



Still waiting on some shims!
Odin said:
Steve had a load of problems with his 2871, That's why he changed up to the 3071.

He said it would just flutter away at part throttle when at motorway speeds :doh: , But he has no problem with the 3071, I also don't see why you can't use the 3071 for 350-380bhp :? , Its not a very laggy turbo so whats the problem ?, Also gives you more options if you later choose to tune further.


But Steve was having those flow problems at 1.7bar!

350bhp on a GT3071R would need to be running around standard boost which is a little silly. Also her plan for the future IS 350 - 380bhp.

If you really did want to plan for the future why not rebuild the engine, Motec ECU, PPG Box etc, fit a GT42R Turbo just in case one day you decide to turn the boost up over 1bar and run sillyBhp.. :lol:

i still say the best option is the GT2871R. You'll get the power and torque you want with the quickest spool.


Fusion Ed

Active Member
I don't really see it as silly. Its more responsive in every way than a stock, and from what I have data on even the 2871, In Steves case the upgrade spooled faster not slower than what he had before.
However they are cheaper, my price to anyone here if interested would be £820+ postage, as opposed to £950. (inc 1 bar actuator) 0.86 A/R


RishiGTiR said:
Look at Coxey's GT2871 @ 1.5bar.... 395bhp!

I don't believe those figures for one second, They may be on a print out somewhere but I don't think a 2871 can produce those figures at all not at 1.5 bar :shock: , My old turbo is bigger and only got 399 at 1.4/1.5 bar.

We all know that these honest tuners can make it up as they go as far as the rolling road print outs go :roll: :roll: :roll: .



Still waiting on some shims!
Odin said:
I don't believe those figures for one second, They may be on a print out somewhere but I don't think a 2871 can produce those figures at all not at 1.5 bar :shock: , My old turbo is bigger and only got 399 at 1.4/1.5 bar.

We all know that these honest tuners can make it up as they go as far as the rolling road print outs go :roll: :roll: :roll: .


Independant Rolling Road mate.

Also your turbo should have made nearer 450bhp @ 1.5bar. You could say that the housing isn't as good as the likes of the Garrett, especially not the HKS one. You probably would have managed 420bhp on the Dastek Dyno. Not to mention that I'm sure Gav will have kept a concervative ign map to prevent blowing your standard engine..

GT2871 uses the same compessor wheel as the GT3071. Its just the turbine thats different. The smaller turbine will only allow you so far whereas the GT3071 is more efficient at higher boost allowing for greater torque and power potential higher up the boost range where you couldn't take a GT2871R. As far as the compressor goes, its certainly capable of flowing enough and at 1.5bar is within the GT2871R's reach.



*Red* said:
Woah! You guys have now confused the crap outta me!!!!!!

Yeah sorry about that :oops: , I think ether turbo would be ok for you're needs, All depends what your future plans are really ;-) .

If I was going to fit the 2871 I think I would be getting the waste gate ported just to stop any problem's ;-) .



Okay, so I'll stick with the GT2871 then. And I'll speak to Olly about having the waste gate ported (if someone could explain what that actually means?! :oops: in small simple woman talk! :lol: )

So, any ideas where to get it from??


New Member
Re get it from micra edd, he could port it for you aswell, and he's off here so you know what you get will be what you need. gt28 will be fine unless you one day want more than 400 horses


Fantastic! :D Would you pm me your details and I'll harass you later today about it?! Thanks!