Super charge your pulsar



Makes a very good read 8) ;-) , If I was a complete dumbass I'd of bought it by the time I'd read hald way through that drivel :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .



Active Member
Dont much fancy those little fan blades coming into high speed contact with my turbo blades when that thing disintegrates! :shock:


Staff member
WTF "The ETS Supercharger increases the density of the air supplied to the engine by cooling it and compressing it (fragmenting air molecules). However the system allows the engine to draw this more compressed air in itself, not under the forced conditions of a conventional turbo or supercharger. Gains are typically similar to a mechanical turbo working at 2.5PSI Over volumetric efficiency "


Active Member
Hmmm, I wonder if you reversed it, and stuck it up your tail pipe........ would it suck more exhaust gas out, and therefore more charge in ?! :lol:


Active Member
hmmmm, £139 for eight instead of a to be better and boost from idle too. Bonus!!!


New Member
have one installed iam a believer! I gained 128bhp i wish i still had the dyno sheet but i "misplaced" it.


just seen this thread

ok you may all jest at these things, but wait for it:-D

they do actually work:shock:
a ford scorpio cosworth v6 (no turbos) came into me around 6 months ago with one of these electric turbo gizmos, and he asked me if i could fit it!
he was already running a performance chip, so i fitted it via an electronic switch on his accelerator linkage which activated the fan motor.
when it was fitted i took the car out for a blast and you could feel the kick in power from 3/4 throttle (when it kicked in) to hard on the floor.
these motors have immense power believe me!
the guy was well chuffed with it and said it made a remarkable difference to performance of his car, which i can vouch for too.

but as always everything has a downside, and that is the fact that they are crap:lol: basically the motors last no longer than around a week then they burn out:shock:
after 3 exchange units he gave up in the finish and called it a day lol
but they do work untill they break.


Active Member
stumo said:
hmmmm, £139 for eight instead of a to be better and boost from idle too. Bonus!!!
If you bought 8, you could have 1 in the intake, 1 reversed in the tail pipe and 6 on the roof, to act like little jet engines ! :lol:


New Member
personally i think you would be better to fit all eight to the floor pan so that when activated the car lifts slightly reducing frictional losses between the tyres and the road


I would have though they would be better on the underside off the bonnet to keep you cool while you fixed the engine as we seam to be spending more and more time under there! :lol: