strange squeeking


New Member
when i turn my steering wheel to the left it squeeks :?: it only does it when moving and it sounds like its coming from around the power steering pump.Has anyone had this problem before :?: or does anyone know what it could be :?: cheers nis.


New Member
:wink: Sounds like it might be the belt :!: Try spraying the belt with WD40 whilst the engine is running :!: If it is the belt,this should quieten it for a while,but ultimately you will need a new belt :!:


as Shaun said,

definitly the belt, spray the power steering belt with a spray. There are sprays for belts only, where i find that wd40 lasts less than other sprays that are specifically made for this type of thing, anyhow that belt either needs to be tightened or replaced....

whats the condition of the belt like?


New Member
Wait a minute................are you guy's serious about spraying WD40 on the belt??

Isn't that what you get the apprentice to do when the balt squeek's? Bit like the left handed screwdriver?

You can buy special sprays but WD40 will stop the noise but only because the belt is slipping more!