strange problem can u help?


New Member
right two days on the run i have let my car warm up as usual and then set off driving it on route to the motorway. the motorway is approx six miles of busy traffic from my house. the problem i have noticed is in fifth when i give the car some accceleration i get to approx 90 mph and it seems as if there is no power for a split second so i back off and then accelerate again and all is perfect again have you any ideas to solve this puzzler? :? :? :?


New Member
it feels as if the car wont accelerate any more. i back off and then accelerate again and everything is definately feels like a cut not a misfire as it feels similar to a rev limiter and yes it is only in fifth.


Clutch slip...dont laugh...mine only slipped in 5th when it went, maybe be mistaken for a fuel cut altho the engine still accelerates no power is being put down???