Strange one


New Member
Anyone else had this happen....

Thought car was idling worse than normal, not pulling as strongly so had a check round for the usual, vacum leeks etc. Turns out that id lost a rubber cover/cap off a tube on the inlet. Its the ones just below the adjustment screw for the throttle body butterflys. Anyone know what this pipe is used for or had one of these come off before?


New Member
If this is what I think it is, start the car up and then put your fingerer over the tube and see if the idle gets better. If it does then it’s a cap for one of the vacuum tubes. Just cap it and it should be fine.

Pete had this same problem on his car and it took us ages to work out.


Its quite common to lose them. They are used to balance the throttle bodies. The idea is you put a vacuum guage on each one in turn, and adjust the air bypass screws until you get even airflow in all four.


New Member
Thats exactly what it is andy. Nicked a cap off my other one last night so it should be ok. :wink:
They are used to balance the throttle bodies. The idea is you put a vacuum guage on each one in turn, and adjust the air bypass screws until you get even airflow in all four.
Had an idea thats what they'd be for.
Any idea how much nissan charge for new ones


New Member
for what they are they will be expensive.

Put up a post in the wanted section and see if anyone has some spare lying around?


New Member
Ok, put a new cover on last night, took car out and 10mins and a bit of boost later its gone again :cry:
Any ideas for keeping them on :?


Still waiting on some shims!
I actually used a tiny bit of samco hose and put a screw in the top of the hose to block it off.. Its a tight fit but then it stops it from blowing off... Worked for me...
