Strange Electrical Problems



Ok, The friggin electrical Gremlin's are out to get me :evil:

Started her y'day avo after work and all the speakers have stopped working :?: worked in the morning.
Started her this morn and the indicators have stopped working completely, including on the hazards :?: worked y'day avo.

Also on Tues, the Fuel gauge was having fun teasing me, saying it was empty, and then i'd find i could only get £20 in b4 it p1ssed out :?: it got me twice :evil: (i did alot of miles) I'd swear it think it's funny :roll:

If anyone can recognise any of the above symptoms and offer advice it would useful?

I'm gonna start checking continuities, earth's, etc in the meantime.
Paul G

Fast Guy

Staff member
I'd be tempted to pull the radio out and see if the hazards start working again. Have you touched the electrical system recently?

Indicators have fuses 1 & 13 in the system
Radio has fuses 4 & 19 in the system


New Member
:D When i first fitted my headunit,to remove the trim i disconnected the hazards,and noticed with them disconnected the indicators don't work.See if the plug has come loose :!:


I had loads of problems with mine, when I took the dash apart I found loads of scotchlocks that the previous owner had used which were playing up, replaced the scotch locks with proper connections and all is ok


Cheers for the replies...
The Fuel gauge thing looks to be a mucky'd connector onto the tank level sensor, cleaned it, and it's reading again, but suspect the sensor might be a bit clogged as it's very slow reacting... :?

The indicators thing was the classic, forgot to re-connect the hazard switch... doh :oops:

As for the speakers... f4ck knows... good continuity to the speakers (MB Quart)... so gonna call Alpine to get some ref voltage outputs... :?

This mornings treat was... the lectric window's have packed up :evil: in-fact the whole door control module appears to have gone dead. Got the wiring diagram, is it just fuse 14 :?: i'll try swapping it back into my other R also...

oh the fun

Fast Guy

Staff member
Have you been through a flood recently? I wouldn't expect so many electrical faults unless something else is wrong. Dodgy earths somewhere? :?


you're not the first to suggest that... normal winter driving, but nothing more... not been through any Fords (other than at Full Boost on the M25 8) :lol: )

Fitted door module from other R and it worked :x so looks like the oldie was dying... stripped it, blew on it, put it back together :wink: (as per fixing misses hairdryer) and it's not playing, so think it may be dead... unless someone know's how to resasitate them :?:

as for the speaker, gonna try a spare in the head unit this avo/eve...

it won't beat me... :twisted:
