storing car??


going to take the car the car of the road end of febuary when insurance runs out, as i cant be bothered with the two houndred pound a month insurance! I wont be selling or breaking, the car will be going inside a secure hanger so no real worries about weather damage. Just wondered any recommendations of what i should do to the car so that when i go back to it(however long that may be) it wont have fallen apart and everything seized.


New Member
put the car on axle stands and leave the hand break off, mine has been sat in the garage for nearly 6 years and no probs as of yet.
oh and start it regularly mate.


New Member
make sure the place you store the car is not damp mate.
and a decent car cover will help.


it will be going in a huge aircraft hanger, i will ask about dampness tommorrow although i cant see it as they keep planes and choppers in there.
yeah i will be giving it a good wax and get a good cover to protect the paint.


let the tyre pressures down too and before you store it put a few drops of oil down each plug hole and turn engine over for a couple of secs then put the plugs back in with a bit of copper grease on threads


New Member
If you lub the bores as Bob has described, you do not want to be starting it often unless you want to lub the bores each time afterwords. Disconect the battery and leave it.
You may want to add some fuel Stabilizer ( ) to the tank. Run the car so this the treated fuel makes it all through the system. This will stop the fuel from breaking down in filter, carbs and tank.


if i dont start it for years is the turbo likely to be any good by the time i get back to it? i have roller bearing unit. to be honest this is my biggest concern. But dont get me wrong i am taking all advise as i will do as much as possible to keep it in good condition.