Still got my strange rattle on cold startup


I have just replaced my timing chain tensioner, from the old style to the new one, the engine seems to tick over and run a lot quieter and doesnt whine anymore, but I still get a mad rattle on cold startup.

If I let the car warm up on tickover, no noise, but if I rev and hold at 2000rpm in the first 3 mins of startup, after about 10 secs a whirring rattling noise develops in the left side of the engine which lasts for about 1 - 2mins. After that the noise doesnt reappear till next cold start.

I have changed the waterpump and now the tensioner, power steering and alternator are there but they make a noise like this. What else is there? I dont think its the chain. Oil pump?

I am at a loss with this one now, ive had it for 2+years!

Any help appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Mine made a similar noise too :?

Powersteering pump maybe :?:

I think most R's get that slight rattle for a couple seconds on startup :wink:

Fast Guy

Staff member
I'm not sure, but I just get in mine, drive away and take it easy for the first few mins, non of this warming up stationary malarky :oops:


i had a scooby that did the same thing it was my air con pump


off topic phil but where did you get the tensioner from, im being quoted - weeks and im pretty desperate for one, my car has a funny noise when i rev it, under load and stationery, it sounds like jimey cricket is under the bonnet, jeff


Well-Known Member
I thought jimmy cricket was that bloke that has left and right marked on his wellies and that silly hat? :wink: :lol:

I've got his autograph by the way :oops:


I would say that a rattle on cold start up must be engine related, mine did rattle slighty but it went once the chain and tensnor had been replaced.
Cant see it been the power steering pump especially if the car is rattling on cold start ups i would say worn shells bearings?


Cheers for the replies,

the air con has been removed so its not that

i dont really like driving it till its warmed up a bit if poss cause any revs over 2000 cause the noise to start, its hard to drive below 2000rpm!

the tensioner i got from my local nissan garage, ordered it on the sat, got it on the tue, in stock at the warehouse. make sure they are ordering the newer one with different part number.

Power steering, it doesnt make any more or less noise if use the power steering, and neither does turning all electrical i poss can on to strain the alternator.

Shells? Bearings? That dont sound good. Engine runs mint no noise, rattles, anything when warmed up, not even warmed up really just not cold. Pulls strong all the way up.

What happens if these shells or bearings fail whilst driving, major rebuild?
Should i get this properly inspected. Nissan in Burton suspected the cams, blocked oil holes(?), thats a long way from the shells bearings.

Cheers anyway



Well-Known Member
fil_gtir said:
If I let the car warm up on tickover, no noise, but if I rev and hold at 2000rpm in the first 3 mins of startup, after about 10 secs a whirring rattling noise develops in the left side of the engine which lasts for about 1 - 2mins. After that the noise doesnt reappear till next cold start.
On mine i'd describe it as a whirring noise for a couple minutes after start up, theres no rattling. The only rattle i get from my engine is for 1-2 secs on cold start up but thats only the top end before the oil gets up there.

The whirring noise cant be the aircon on mine cos i dont have it either :wink: It definatly sounds like one of the pumps so that leaves the power steering pump, oil pump, or water pump :? I'll be fitting a new water pump before the engine goes back in anyway, and i'll have a look at the power steering pump.

I'll just have to wait and see if the noise is still there when its back up and running.


New Member
on mine it was the alternator, used to whir away like a good-un for a few minutes on the first start up of every day.

got it reconned and problem solved 8)


Cheers Kieron, that sounds like similar symptoms, only for first few minutes on cold startup if i rev up to 2000rpm.

What pointed to the alternator for you, did it get worse with more power used eg. all lights heaters stereo wipers etc? or a process of elimination?



New Member
I had mike (ex-gtir) winding me up telling me it sounded like i'd spun a big end bearing :roll: and begun to get worried so made the missus start the car whilst i listened and could definately hear it get louder when revved. The noise was from the pulley side but didn't get worse if all electrical stuff was on.

At the same time i kept finding little puddles of water on the left side as you look at it everytime i moved the car out the garage, straight away decided water pump although nothing ever leaked from the tell tale hole, still i now have a spare water pump. :roll:

The puddles turned out to be spillage from topping up the water injection :oops:

Jaigtr had killed his 'r' and very kindly lent me his alternator, swapped them over and the noise had gone 8) When mine come off you could feel it grating on the bearing. The symptons on mine where a whirring for about 5mins at max that would increase with revs, it would only do it the first start of the day. The alternator was working fine just the bearing had got abit noisy

If your near essex BROADWAY ELECTRICAL in grays did mine for just under £30 01375 372782, as a thanks to jai i got them to reuild his and that was £40 but it looks like new 8)


Well someone earlier suggested a bearing. It sounds similar, had engine out not long back and alternator didnt feel too bad, but still worth trying. It does speed up with revs.

Sometimes on tickover i get a real quiet high pitched squeal, could be from same thing.

Would have been easier to sort this lot out when engine was out, but i too suspected water pump as it was a bit stiff.

I am in Midlands, so will try and find somewhere locally, just dont tell them what its off!




why not just remove the alternator belt and start the car from cold?......
if the noise is still there you know its somthing else :wink:


Cheers gainspeed, that will be the easiest way to try it.

I guess its safe with no alternator belt, nothing else drives off it.



fil_gtir said:
I have just replaced my timing chain tensioner, from the old style to the new one, the engine seems to tick over and run a lot quieter and doesnt whine anymore, but I still get a mad rattle on cold startup.

If I let the car warm up on tickover, no noise, but if I rev and hold at 2000rpm in the first 3 mins of startup, after about 10 secs a whirring rattling noise develops in the left side of the engine which lasts for about 1 - 2mins. After that the noise doesnt reappear till next cold start.

I have changed the waterpump and now the tensioner, power steering and alternator are there but they make a noise like this. What else is there? I dont think its the chain. Oil pump?

I am at a loss with this one now, ive had it for 2+years!

Any help appreciated.

forged pistons???


Don't think it has forged pistons, tho the engine has never been apart to have a look. It was a modified car put back to standard when I bought it 5 years ago. And it did run for while detting quite a lot and had no probs.

It actually took a turn for the worse after a good run on sunday, started it after being at mates for a few hours and it sounded mad, like diesel, with a mad clanging noise, revved lightly a few times and after a bit went normal. Drove home with no probs or noise, tried it next day, back to usual rattle. ???



New Member
did you check the alternator yet ???

Also check the adjuster hasn't come loose, mine did it on the way to bolney and it sounded like a bag-o-nails