Starter Motor nightmare



To cut a long story short, due to an electrical problem, my starter motor came on yesterday whilst driving, and stayed on!!! Got home and turned engine off, but starter kept turning over and would not stop till i disconnected the battery! Re-connected battery and tried to start.....all i got was high pitch whirring noise....and thats it now!! :cry:
Been told starter cog probably sheared off so therefore willl not engage.
Spent about 1 hour tonight under car and looking through top to try to locate starter but could not find anywhere........any ideas? How long to remove and replace with another? :?
And can i get a secong hand unit from scrappy off a different nissan as i know i wont find a GTI-r unit there!!
Please help guys as i've only just spent £390 on mongoose and fitting and really skint now!!!
Cheers lads.

Fast Guy

Staff member
When I enquired about a starter motor I was told it's an engine out job :shock: I expect it can be done insitu, but I don't think it's gonna be too easy if people recommend doing it with the engine out. :cry: Sorry it's not much help.


I got mine done with the engine in but the bloke took the job on with out knowing how much of a bastard it would be.
It took him 2 days and he's fairly good mechanic the starter motor is a twat to find, if you look down at ur engine bay look at ur gearbox and the go to the left under the rocker cover and u will need a torch its hard to find but it is there.
Ul need the injection off if ur goin to do it with the engine in

Good luck.....


Im sure it can be gotten to by removing the downpipe, oil filter, Y shaped bracket thst supports the inlet manifold and a few other bits and bob's on the way, i was fairly close to the starter when replacing the DET sensor, jeff :D


jiw said:
fairly close to the starter when replacing the DET sensor, jeff :D
say no more.......

gonna replace my det sensor while the clutch is being done.


New Member
Nah! You can do the starter on the car, once you have all the pipes and wires off above the gearbox there is load's of room.

The biggest bitch is the lower bolts on the inlet manifold brace, but even that doesn't cause much problem.


Had to change mine a while ago. Sparky quoted $500 to remove the starter motor and rebuild it. Two days later her rang me and told me my car was on the tow truck and he never wants to see it again.

When we got it home, i removed the throttle bodies, took three hours to get it apart. 2 hours of that was bending spanners to fit.

Should have seen the look on his face when i dropped it on his desk the next morning. Priceless.


Well-Known Member
I reckon with the amount of time you'd spend struggling to get at the starter it would probably be just as quick to drop the engine and do it that way :wink:

It is a right bitch to get at though :lol:


Starter can be easily done in situ, Supports off inlet and rear plate off and its out easyier than a clutch 8)