If you have the datalogit software you can adjust the idle mixture quite easily ( if your still using the lambda sensor ). I think its on Settings 1, in the bottom right hand corner you can set the mixture setting for 'closed loop', ie idle and low RPM/Load. Its called "O2 Feedback".
To work out the value, you divide the stoichmetric <sp
> ratio for the fuel your using by the AF ratio you want.
So for normal 97 unleaded, Sto is 14.7:1. If you wanted an AF ratio of 10:1 for example, the number you would put in the box would be 14.7/10 = 1.47.
The standard map seems to use a value of 1.047 which should give an AF ratio of 14.7 / 1.047 = 14.04. No idea why this is, as you would expect it to be exactly 1 ( ie an AF ratio of 14.7:1 )
Anyway, the point is you can fiddle this value up and down a bit to adjust the closed loop AF ratio.
( the values in the main injection table are the same, they are 'target' AF values. To find what they mean in real terms just divide them into 14.7. For example, a cell has a value of 1.27. This means at that point in the map the ECU is trying to make the AF ratio 14.7 / 1.27 = 11.6:1 ). A good starting map is to fill the table with the AF ratios that you would like, and then measure and adjust them to suit. If you adjust the fuel pressure or AFM curves you can move the whole map up or down and get it pretty close to what you want without changing a single cell
Its pretty easy to richen it up over small areas, just select the areas you want to increase and change them. Make sure that you change the surrounding cells a little bit as well so there is no sudden steps. For example, if I increase a cell by 0.5, I increase all the cells around it by 0.2 as well. Just makes it run a bit smoother.
Like everything though, you need to get it properly mapped with a wideband to be sure, the values in the injection table are only 'target' values, and could be miles off depending on what fuel pressure / injectors you are using etc.