

New Member
I know this isn't a Toy-mota forum but I thought someone might have a bit of knowledge of these cars!

My pal has a Glanza and it has a boost limiter in first and second gear, anyone know how to remove this?




Active Member
There'll be a solenoid, similar to the one on the GTiR. This will be controlled by the ecu and limit the boost available in 1st and 2nd gear. When you remove it, you'll need either an electronic boost controller or manual boost controller to look after the boost levels.

I did a similar thing to my GT Four as, Toyota do the same thing to them, out of the factory. It's very easy to bypass and can make a big difference to the way the car behaves.
With the Glanza, I can imagine there will be a fair bit more wheelspin post mod.


Active Member
No worries bud.

The solenoid has a specific name but, I can't think what it is for the life of me. I'm sure you'll find it easily enough though.



Active Member
gunmetalgtir said:
I take it it will look like the one on the R??

Can you just remove it and put say a bleed valve in it's place?? :oops:
I think it does look very much like the GTiR solenoid, yes.

As for the bleed valve, you can do that but, if you're gonna go the manual boost controller route, I'd go for a relief valve. These work a lot better than bleed valves as, the stay shut until the set boost level is reached. This will give you better spool up and the ability to reach peak boost quicker. From what I understand, they also react faster than bleed valves so, are safer.

I used one on the GT Four and it worked great. It was on the GTiR for a few months too and worked well there.

If your mate wants to go down that route, let me know as, I have the relief valve up in the loft. If he wants it, he can have it for a £10. If he wants it new, go on the GT Four owners club forum as, the bloke who makes them, is on there. I think his user name is 'Kiano' or similar.



Active Member
gunmetalgtir said:
It runs 1.1 bar in 3rd gear onwards but it can't hit that in 1st and 2nd, I don't know where the fuel cut comes into it????
He must have an FCD fitted ?!
Having said that though, from the post I put up ^^, it seems the fuel cut isn't that well defined so, could be anywhere. :doh: :lol:


Active Member
gunmetalgtir said:
It runs 1.1 bar in 3rd gear onwards but it can't hit that in 1st and 2nd, I don't know where the fuel cut comes into it????
Maybe should have put the full info on your first post
if the car is running 1.1 bar then there must be some mods included to get it up that high..
Ask on tgtt forums


New Member
saddler said:
Maybe should have put the full info on your first post
if the car is running 1.1 bar then there must be some mods included to get it up that high..
Ask on tgtt forums
What does it matter how much boost it's running??

Cause my oringinal question was how to get rid of the of the boost limiter not how much boost can it run!!

You're just annoyed that your response wasn't anything to do with the question!! :fish: :lol:
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New Member
youngsyp said:
He must have an FCD fitted ?!
Having said that though, from the post I put up ^^, it seems the fuel cut isn't that well defined so, could be anywhere. :doh: :lol:
It's either chipped or got a different ECU, I can't remember TBH.


Active Member
gunmetalgtir said:
What does it matter how much boost it's running??

Cause my oringinal question was how to get rid of the of the boost limiter not how much boost can it run!!

You're just annoyed that your response wasn't anything to do with the question!! :fish: :lol:
Well if your running 1.1 bar then your boost cut would have already been Sorted Ahhhhhhhhhh:doh: I would take a look at it being something else..