Standard turbo



180 roller bearings the one to have as it cuts the loading by half of the 360 roller bearing unit


hacksaw would be better as it takes more thrust to operate although there would be significant back and forth movement (which may lead to leaky oil seal).
where as the dremmel would give similar performance to the 360 roller unit during cutting in procedure!
actually the dremmel would work best if mounted in the housing with the impellor attached as it has a very high rotational force.


New Member
hacksaw would be better as it takes more thrust to operate although there would be significant back and forth movement (which may lead to leaky oil seal).
where as the dremmel would give similar performance to the 360 roller unit during cutting in procedure!
actually the dremmel would work best if mounted in the housing with the impellor attached as it has a very high rotational force.

Is that like one of thosse electronic turbos you can buy on ebay..............


yep but the dremmel version would be much more efficient. im gonna build one tomorrow now and see what cfm it will pump out:lol::lol:


New Member
yep but the dremmel version would be much more efficient. im gonna build one tomorrow now and see what cfm it will pump out:lol::lol:
Post up the results and how to may have a go myself just wondering wether to use the flexi shaft with wire brush bit or a flap wheel because I dont think there will be much turbine effect from a cutting disc:lol: