Standard t28 turbo or upgraded one wanted!!


New Member
I need a turbo for my troublesome pulsar lol must be a good one and an upgrade would be great but im on a budget, so what can anyone offer?


In all fairness to him, there is nothing about the condition of that unit in the auction and 300 quid is a little over the top. Best buy one off pulsarboby mate, in sure he's got a good stock unit in stock, I've just bought a hybrid off him.


ive got a turbo for sale it was from owen developments its ony low mileage
i have a print out for 428 bhp at 1.7 bar its stock frame so bolts straight on
pm me if interested


428 bhpizzles out of a stock t28 I'm guessing thats just had a 360 degree bearing fitted??? That's amazing, good show chap.


Staff member
428 bhpizzles out of a stock t28 I'm guessing thats just had a 360 degree bearing fitted???.
No, it's a hybrid turbo; that's more than just putting a new thrust bearing in it. It will be miss-matched turbine and compressor wheels (i.e. it's made from two different turbos to produce something that isn't a standard part).


But people do also define a t28 with a 360 bearing as a 'hybrid'. I.e made from non standard parts. I'd be really interested to hear the spec of this turbo?


Staff member
Yeah, "hybrid" is one of those terms that means different things to different people. - By definition it's simply "re-built in a non-standard configuration", which can be anything from different thrust bearings, but otherwise standard, to the turbine from a 3076 matches with the compressor of a 2854 (because I'm pretty sure you can't buy a 3054 off the shelf).

As far as I'm concerned, just putting the thrust bearing in really doesn't count... especially if it's because they bought a kit off eBay and rebuilt it themselves without rebalancing etc.

As an example; TurboTechnics will build you a hybrid turbo (although I'm pretty sure they recommend a standard configuration unless you're chasing particular characteristics), but they'll also put a 360 degree thrust bearing in. - It's the fact that they've assembled a custom turbo for you that makes it a hybrid rather than whacking the thrust bearing on the end... which may really be because the original parts won't fit a custom unit.