standard ecu


New Member
I've got stsndard ecu on my car ive just bought a apexi power fc to put on it can I swap them straight over will car still run before I get it remmaped or won't it start


Staff member
Do you know what map is on the PFC? - If it's a standard map, or at least one for standard components, it will work until you can get it remapped for your setup.

Obviously if it's been set-up for 720cc injectors and a GT3076... and you've got a standard car, it won't run at all.

I think there may be a "reset to default" option, but your best bet is probably to leave it until you're ready to map it correctly.


Staff member
In that case one of the PFC gurus can probably help you; I think the default map on a new PFC should run fine, but I don't know that for sure.