Standard actulator


New Member
What boost levels can a factory actulator take? Mine won't hold anything past 1.5 bar:evil: It will peak at 1.6 but then bleed and hold 1.5.

When my HKS EVC 4 is switched off it hits 0.7 bar.

I'm trying to get 1.8 bar from the factory unit, is this achieveable?

Matty B

New Member
Don't think you will get 1.8 bar mate. Standard boost is 0.7, with your boost controller off this will be all you will get. I found that my standard actuator allowed me to run 1.6 bar max. I only found this out because of a damaged boost pipe. Soon put that right though and set mine to 1.2 bar.


New Member
Fook! Look like i'll have to get an uprated item then.

Car is currently at 1.4 bar and I want more boost :lol:


New Member
Matty B said:
( this is a silly question i know, but ) Your not using a standard turbo are you ?
Hell NO!!! It's about the size of a GT3071R but I think it's either got a stock or knackard actulator!! The only thing that makes me wounder is that it does not look like a stock actulator :?

Last time my car was on the rollers it made 377hp @ 1.4 bar BUT i want to crank it up :thumbsup:

Matty B

New Member
Thank god for that. Yea, get a new acuator and turn her up. Should see a nice increase in power. Thats pretty darn good though, 377 bhp at 1.4 bar. Very nice.


Active Member
It just sounds as though the diaphragm spring simply cant hold the wastegate shut at that sort of boost level. I guess that's not surprising as, it sounds like a stock spec actuator. Conversely though, I'd say it's doing well to hold on to 1.5 bar, if it is only rated to 0.7 bar. :shock: :lol:

What spec new actuator would you go for ? One with a 1.2 bar spring ?



New Member
youngsyp said:
Conversely though, I'd say it's doing well to hold on to 1.5 bar, if it is only rated to 0.7 bar. :shock: :lol:
Yeah it has no problems holding 1.5 bar but just won't hold anything else above that.

Not sure what to go for. Ideally I would like a 1 bar actuator as with the boost controller switched off that would give me around the 330hp mark but the 1.2 bar would be around the 350hp mark.


Still waiting on some shims!
It sounds like you just need a stronger actuator.. I think Norris and Forge Motorsport do off the shelf replacements so i would check with them.. Ian @ Hiteq may well have some in as i know thats closer to home for you..


New Member
Cheers mate. I'll be buying a "proper" actuator not one of these cheap Flebay crap. Might get one from Owen Developments as that who built my turbo.


New Member
when i was last at pulsarbobys workshop he had an uprated hks actuator which he was going to sell. it was about 2 or 3 months ago but ive not seen him advertise it so may still have it. try him mate


New Member
gtir_pimp said:
when i was last at pulsarbobys workshop he had an uprated hks actuator which he was going to sell. it was about 2 or 3 months ago but ive not seen him advertise it so may still have it. try him mate
Thanks for that.


Staff member

just because its not bling does not mean its not an uprated actuator. Whether its uprated or not it still needs to be set and yours is set to 0.7Bar. I set mine to 1.0Bar with the car pump before fitting the turbo ages ago.

If you buy a new actuator, you will need to take your turbo off to set it up.

The actuator will normally see less than 0.7 Bar as at 0.7 Bar the actuator will open the WG and you won't hold boost.

Your boost controller is what makes this happen, it takes a reading from the boost sensor and then fudges the output to the actuator by limiting the pressure.

Your boost controller takes two air feeds too decide how much to limit the pressure the actuator sees. To correctly do this you have to perform a self learn mode on the boost controller.

The fact that your boost controller has been self leant on a T28 meant that it probably s**t itself when you're getting to the operating range of the turbo above 1.4bar.

Option 1 perform the self learn mode when I get back week after next.
Option 2 If 1 fails, use an alternative boost controller.
Option 3 Remove turbo and set actuator higher so the boost controller doesn't poo itself when is sees such a large difference between actual and fudged values
Option 4 Fit different actuator.

I still think option 1 is favourite so stop looking to buy stuff just yet ;-)


New Member
campbellju said:
just because its not bling does not mean its not an uprated actuator.
True :oops:

OK, Jim i'll wait till youget back. I just want more boost so am keen to get this problem resolved.

I'll get my a$$ into gear and get the guages mounted into the glove box before you get back off holiday.


Staff member
Mr GTiR said:
before you get back off holiday.
:shock: cheeky a$$ :lol: :lol:

Meant to add that my actuator would look pretty stock if it wasn't for the sticker.

Aslo, see if you can work out how to wire in your EGT to the datalogit? Can you take a feed from the guage?


Staff member
Oh yeh and you'll be pleased to know I've got a new latop so hopefully your suspension won't shake this one to bits ;-) :lol: :lol:


New Member
campbellju said:
Aslo, see if you can work out how to wire in your EGT to the datalogit? Can you take a feed from the guage?
I don't do electric's as i'll end up blowing it up :oops: I'll do some research into it or just hassle Stu :thumbsup:

Just worried that we won't have enough time before you go on your second "holiday" :p

Do need your AEM back yet or when you get back?
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Staff member
It'll have to be when I get back. The car will still work but it might blow a bit out the hole left by the lack of AEM :lol::lol::lol:

Don't worry about next time, this week has just been mad with the return to work and I lose both weekends traveling.

I might be able to get out of my next " holiday" :p until after Chinese New Year