Sr20det adjustable cam pully


Hi guys as the title states I found some un branded cam pullies which are adjustable, wanted to know what u guys think of em iv yet to install my cams so was thinking of getting them before I get my cams installed any feedback will be great thanks


Staff member
I think it's a good idea; they don't need to be branded to work, just as long as they don't slip!

I don't have any experience of it myself, but I'm told it takes a while to dial the cams in like that.


Thanks for the quick replys they are on eBay if u type in sr20 pulleys it's the last few at the bottom. Hi red I will not be doing the work myself it will be ed at fusion I purchased some cams and before putting em in I thought it might be a good idea to get any upgrade parts before I had them installed


as red reading says cheap is sometimes not good , not sure if i would risk it myself and maybe favour a recognised manufacturer.


Well-Known Member
Just think about the consequences of cam sprocket failure at 7000 RPM, Not saying they're rubbish you should just make sure about the quality of what you're buying. There is an old say that says "buy cheap buy twice" or something like that.



Thanks once again chaps appreciate it but if u could take some time out and have alook at the eBay listing there are tommi ones for £120+ or the ones I was looking at were £69 (those were the ones I was looking at)


Well-Known Member
Thanks once again chaps appreciate it but if u could take some time out and have alook at the eBay listing there are tommi ones for £120+ or the ones I was looking at were £69 (those were the ones I was looking at)
I just looked through them myself and I wouldn't fit some £69 pulleys to my car personally, They might be 100% fine but I don't think I'd take the chance I'd rather pay the extra for the Tommi ones at least I'd no they where a proven product and what's the extra money in the great scheme of things when you look at what you will spend on everything else.

Just my personal opinion though others may feel differently.



Thanks once again for taking the time out to check that listing, I agree for the sake of £60 better to be sure and get something tested and reliable thanks rob and everyone else thanks given input
My preference would be for 8 hole style adjustable sprockets, as per the JWT ones. Really not keen on the idea of the bolts coming loose on the sliding type at 7000rpm and losing the cam timing.


Staff member
I think the question you need to ask yourself is, how much power are you aiming for ? and are having adjustable cams REALLY going to make that much difference in obtaining that power ? In reality, probably not ...... personally (depending on the rest of your spec) I would keep your money in your pocket and let Ed work his magic with what you have...


Thanks again guys I wasn't really worried about the power aspect but more so the lessening of time it would take to dial the cams in since I have not had em installed yet I just thought they might be a good idea to get fitted when ed does my cam install. Just a thought