Speed cameras....need advice


I'm in big trouble!

In the last four months i've racked up 15 points!! all but one of the tickets have been by police hiding behind bushes with mobile cameras....now before anyone tries to take the moral high ground with me i don't need and most importantly don't want to hear it, i'll give an outline of some of the specific details.

-70mph in a 50mph area....this was on a duel carrige way going from Chatham to Maidstone that just about everyone including me would assume was a legitimate 70mph but the first short stretch is a 50mph.

-Two seperate tickets in the same place, 40mph and 44 mph in a 30mph area which were obtained two weeks apart so i knew nothing about the first until i had already recieved the second....i was clocked taking my dog to the park for his morning walk at 07.59am and 08.01am on a Sunday morning!, there were no other cars on the road, no pedestrians about and in all the years i've driven down this this road i've never seen anyone driving overly quick, never heard of an accident let alone a fatality, i feel very bitter about these two.

I've been driving for twelve years with no convictions in that time, and i've always had jobs that have required 30k per year. All these tickets were obtained in my company car which is a diesel Toyota Avensis, i work as a retail area manager and do around 30/40k per year, i do not drive like an tit and manage well over 50mpg from the Toyota as a result....i feel that i've been incredibly unlucky with several of the tickets and that these speeding tickets are far from a fair representation of my twelve year driving history.

Anyway, i'm after some advice on how or what i can do to effectivly get away with it....are there any loop holes? i've heard things the police must do like calibrate the camera and have a certificate, can anyone elaborate on what the police are legally obligated to do when setting up a spped trap?

As i said above i don't need to hear "drive within the speed limits" type advice so if thats all you have to say please keep it to yourself....driving is essential to my job so there is a very real possibility i could lose it.



Yeah get a push bike so you can get to the job centre :wink: :lol: :lol: .

15 points :shock: so there's no rush for your engine rebuild :lol: :lol: .



deank93 said:
I'm in big trouble!

In the last four months i've racked up 15 points!! all but one of the tickets have been by police hiding behind bushes with mobile cameras....now before anyone tries to take the moral high ground with me i don't need and most importantly don't want to hear it, i'll give an outline of some of the specific details.

-70mph in a 50mph area....this was on a duel carrige way going from Chatham to Maidstone that just about everyone including me would assume was a legitimate 70mph but the first short stretch is a 50mph.

-Two seperate tickets in the same place, 40mph and 44 mph in a 30mph area which were obtained two weeks apart so i knew nothing about the first until i had already recieved the second....i was clocked taking my dog to the park for his morning walk at 07.59am and 08.01am on a Sunday morning!, there were no other cars on the road, no pedestrians about and in all the years i've driven down this this road i've never seen anyone driving overly quick, never heard of an accident let alone a fatality, i feel very bitter about these two.

I've been driving for twelve years with no convictions in that time, and i've always had jobs that have required 30k per year. All these tickets were obtained in my company car which is a diesel Toyota Avensis, i work as a retail area manager and do around 30/40k per year, i do not drive like an tit and manage well over 50mpg from the Toyota as a result....i feel that i've been incredibly unlucky with several of the tickets and that these speeding tickets are far from a fair representation of my twelve year driving history.

Anyway, i'm after some advice on how or what i can do to effectivly get away with it....are there any loop holes? i've heard things the police must do like calibrate the camera and have a certificate, can anyone elaborate on what the police are legally obligated to do when setting up a spped trap?

As i said above i don't need to hear "drive within the speed limits" type advice so if thats all you have to say please keep it to yourself....driving is essential to my job so there is a very real possibility i could lose it.

You've probably seen this site before but it's the only one that I know off that will help you out dean :wink:


hope you don't lose your liecense mate but it does'nt look good :(


Active Member
Allegedly if you can successfully argue that you would lose your license as a result of a ban, then you may get lucky and just get more points.

I've read about people in the past with 18, but am led to believe that these are unusual.

I'd just get some professional advice from a traffic offence specialist and then go into the court with your head bowed and beg.

Hope it works out for you fella :(



New Member
i'm afraid to say the only answer is to go on the run and live life as a fugitive :lol:

it worked for the A-TEAM 8)


vpulsar said:
15 points :shock: so there's no rush for your engine rebuild :lol: :lol: .

None of the points have hit my licence yet as i'm contesting them all, my car plans haven't altered mate regardless of any impending ban.


paz said:
I'd just get some professional advice from a traffic offence specialist and then go into the court with your head bowed and beg.

Hope it works out for you fella :(

Any ideas on how i can go about getting pro advice from a traffic offence specialist?

I'll be kissing butt big time when it goes to court.


Active Member
deank93 said:
paz said:
I'd just get some professional advice from a traffic offence specialist and then go into the court with your head bowed and beg.

Hope it works out for you fella :(

Any ideas on how i can go about getting pro advice from a traffic offence specialist?

I'll be kissing butt big time when it goes to court.
Some solicitors advertise as specialists in certain areas - I know one round this way (although he wasn't much use in my circumstance :roll:). I'd say the best bet may be something like the yellow pages - although I appreciate you never know if you're getting ''good'' advice then.

If there are a few solicitors listed on the linked site, they should be pretty good, otherwise I'd just try having an ask around amongst your friends and family.

Sorry I can't be of more help, all the info I have is just stuff that I've read in the past :oops:



New Member
IIRC you might be able to plead 'hardship' in court. :?
But,I think you can only plead this ONCE in your life.
Not hundred percent sure on this. :oops:
The best bet is to hire a half decent solitcitor who'll somehow manage get you off...............if you pay him a wad of cash.
Try the citizens advice bureau as well-free advice on loads of things :wink:
Good luck,Dean.
It doesn't sound good,considering all those points in the time period.


Ive just gone through similar stuff.

You can claim Hardship in court. Get your Boss to write a letter explaining that you would be unable to continue working for them as driving is an essential part of your work.

Also make a huge list of out goings on the form they give you and show that you have very little cash after you are payed each months. Dont go ott, they will ask you how you survive and its a pain makin up lies as you go ;)

On the downside, Insurance is going to be a nightmare. Ive yet to find anyone who will give me a resonable quote on the 'R' since, I have 6 points and a 42 day ban on my licence.

There is a saftey drivng course you can ask them to take, this helped a friend of mine in a similar situation. Not sure if they always offer it, but i know they can.

Good luck mate, I know how much of a pain this is

GTiR Jon

edited due to content :roll: .

Will you people stop posting this stuff up :roll: this is an open forum and you never know who's watching.



hi ya,

I work in a magistrates court where i deal with these things on a daily basis.
There are potentially things that you could do, but as it has been said before, if the cases go to court you can plead with exceptional hardships. You need to show that you are reliant on your car for your work, work for income, income for morgage. Or that you have others that are dependant on you, elderly relatives or ill relatives etc. Or that you live in the middle of nowhere and wouldnt be able to use public transport.

Or there are a few things that you could do, but i dont think its wise to say them on the open forum. Give me a PM and i can tell you what you could do, dependant on how far down the line you are in the fixed penalty process. But at the end of the day it will probably be worthwhile to have a look to see if they have served the notice of intended prosecution within the legal 14 day time limit.


Still waiting on some shims!

You have PM as i don't want to post this on a pulic forum....



LGNY said:
hi ya,

I work in a magistrates court where i deal with these things on a daily basis.
There are potentially things that you could do, but as it has been said before, if the cases go to court you can plead with exceptional hardships. You need to show that you are reliant on your car for your work, work for income, income for morgage. Or that you have others that are dependant on you, elderly relatives or ill relatives etc. Or that you live in the middle of nowhere and wouldnt be able to use public transport.

Or there are a few things that you could do, but i dont think its wise to say them on the open forum. Give me a PM and i can tell you what you could do, dependant on how far down the line you are in the fixed penalty process. But at the end of the day it will probably be worthwhile to have a look to see if they have served the notice of intended prosecution within the legal 14 day time limit.
LGNY, PM sent......my company has said that they would be happy to write a letter confirming that i need a car to carry out my job.

Rishi, PM sent and advice appriciated.


hi dean,

I hope that i have helped and have shed some light on the possible situations open to you.

If you need to give us a phone, just do so, i am only too happy to help.

I mean i work at a magistrates court, i might as well use it to my advantage.

Speak to you soon, and let me know how it turns out.



LGNY said:
hi dean,

I hope that i have helped and have shed some light on the possible situations open to you.

If you need to give us a phone, just do so, i am only too happy to help.

I mean i work at a magistrates court, i might as well use it to my advantage.

Speak to you soon, and let me know how it turns out.

Well, so far so good....Thanks again, i'll keep you posted on my progress :D