Speed Camera Detector


Staff member
Thinking of getting one to protect the licence but not sure which :?

Road Angel / Snooper or ............................... ???

Anyone got any opinions ??

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Active Member

This one had a very good test and the price is also ok, think it was Autotrader that siad the light version was the best value on the market. I also have some friends who have the Road Angel and also rate that as well but its more expensive. Personally I was thinking of the higher priced Talex as its still cheaper than the road angel and does the same thing.


Active Member
Ideally I'd suggest getting one that picks up gatso's/lazers as your driving about, but also has a satellite connection for stationary camera's - that way you have the best of both worlds.

Saying that I don't have one myself, never been able to justify the cost with the number of points I have at the minute.



I've got a road angel the older version, :thumbsup:. I still reckon its the best one out on the market, picks everything up including the newer digital speed cameras. ;-). But it just depends on how much you want to spend, personally i brought the raod angel as i had 9 points on my license and did'nt want to take the chance, since then the R's been of the road :oops: :lol:,..
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New Member
I got an old type road angel - best money I ever spent. But it was 2/3 years ago.
I can't be doing with radar detectors blipping nearly 24/7

I would be looking in to satnav with downloadable "maps" of fixed camera positions if I wanted one now.


Active Member
Don't bother with one that detects laser, by the time it's done so, you'll have been caught. This is due to the way the laser guns work. They produce a very fine beam, very similar to a laser pen etc... For the little laser detector to see it, the laser would be shining right on it !

The Road Angel, Road Pilot, Origin B2 etc... are all very good units. If you were after sat nav as well (very useful and about the same price, if not cheaper than a stand alone GPS camera detector), go for a TomTom unit and you can download the free, constantly updated camera database from www.pocketgps.co.uk This contains ALL the cameras around, including mobile, SPECS and Truvelo etc...

If not and you only want to get a stand alone GPS detector, go for one that is easily updated as, you're probably aware, the sites are always changing.

An added bonus of these GPS units is that you can see exactly how fast you're going ;o)


Active Member
Laser detectors are not as crap as you make out. Good ones will detect laser scatter as nobchops tries to get a lock on cars ahead of you.


New Member
yeah its not the case as u describe it with a 'laser dot' completly. because over 200 metres away, a laser pointed at you can take up as much space as the ground to the bottom of ur window line, or the bonnet to the roof. depending where its aimed. but under 200 metres then u are talking about a fine dot as u say. but the road angel can detect safely up to 1000 metres away as far as i remember.

i would say go with the road angel. i have the old road angel classic and it works great for me.


Snooper S6R-Neo, I've got one and its spot on. Only thing is I think the radar module is now illegal so you might want to find a sneaky place to hide it.


Active Member
maz said:
yeah its not the case as u describe it with a 'laser dot' completly. because over 200 metres away, a laser pointed at you can take up as much space as the ground to the bottom of ur window line, or the bonnet to the roof. depending where its aimed. but under 200 metres then u are talking about a fine dot as u say. but the road angel can detect safely up to 1000 metres away as far as i remember.
The size of the laser 'foot print' won't just change at 200 metres, it'll gradually get larger, the further the distance it's shone. At 200 metres, it will be about the size of a football. This will be a bit further away than plod will be standing to actually track your car, i'd say 150 metres max. At that distance, the laser will be shining on exactly the point at which plod can get a good speed reading I.e. the front bumper of the car. This is the point the laser detector will see the laser and sound the alarm. If you're travelling fast enough, by then, its too late.
I understand it will also detect 'laser scatter' but, that's just the reflection of the laser from other cars. If it detects that, the laser won't be pointed at you. But, yes, this is still a good warning that there's one around.

Anyway, this is all pretty irrelevant as, if you have a good GPS detector, it'll have all the mobile and laser sites in its database and warn you well before you get to the point of being zapped !


just got back from cardiff and i one road that i used there in 5 speed camras and the roads only 3 miles long