Sooo many problems - please please help if you can



Rather than start a whole heap of individual threads, I figured I'd post all our car problems in the one and live in hope that some people can offer advice, opinions and/or suggestions as to things that might remedy problems. Some things I'm not even sure of whether they're normal or something wrong, so I've added them anyway. Hopefully they'll turn out to be nothing too serious, but they are a big concern at the moment.

First up, oil catch can. Having no expierence of one prior to our engine rebuild, I'm unsure how often they are typically emptied, or what the contents are supposed to be like. We've now covered about 10k km in the car, and I've emptied our catch can at least 6 times (it holds about a litre). If I don't empty it soon enough its blowing out the oily mixture through the breather filter and around the area previously filled by the original air box. This frequency seems excessive to me, but since I know no better I'm wondering if its actually normal? How often do people usually empty their catch cans?

On the subject of the catch can, what should normally come out of it? I know this sounds a bit stupid given that its an OIL catch can but I've noticed when emptying it that there's a mix of oil and also a greyish cloudy fluid too. Is this just the moisture that gets blown out of the head mixing with the oil vapour? Or is there something more serious to it? Its not like the white mayonaise that can be found under the oil caps of cars with blown head gaskets, its a strange grey.

And even though I'm emptying the can this regularly, the oil level doesn't seem to be dropping much at all.

Finally on the subject of oil, I've noticed a distinct smell of petrol from the contents when I'm doing an oil change. I've never come across it before on any car when doing an oil change, or on this car prior to the engine rebuild. Now the head is developing a tapping sound which one mechanic has told me is the buckets that follow the cam being "shagged and in need of replacing" to use his words. To be blunt the car sounds like a diesel when its just ticking over, and the tapping doesn't dissappear when the revs increase. Could this have any effect on fuel vapours making their way into the oil, or does it sound like something more serious? I'll be doing a compression test over the coming days, and crossing my fingers that its not fuel leaking past the piston rings, but what else could cause such a distinct stench of petrol from the oil? Oh and up to now we've been using 15W50 fully synthetic oil. Gonna be putting 10W60 in this week - is that ok to use?

Losing water. Have noticed that we're losing water from the cooling system lately. Not a huge amount, maybe half a litre a week, but losing it all the same. I know its not a water leak as all the water hoses were changed when the engine was being re-assembled and its not really losing enough to be a constant leak, but it is another concern. The under-bonnet fire that we suffered melted off the little take off pipe by the radiator cap, so we currently have no water reservoir, and I'm wondering if this could be the source of the loss? Or could it be related to the grey fluid I'm finding in the catch can mentioned above? There's no trace of water under the oil cap, or in the oil when doing a change, so I'm at a loss to explain it. I know we'll have to source a new radiator at some point, but is this water loss something we'll have to live in the interm? As it is the car never gets too hot under regular driving, the Nismo thermostat would appear to be working as the water temp never goes above about 67 degrees on the Defi gauge. And we have the fans working off a manual switch at the moment, turning them on in traffic or at idle when the water temp approaches about 80 degrees.

Annoying noise. On top of the rattle from the head, a new ticking noise has reared its head in the past couple of weeks. It only seems to make its presence felt when the boost is from 0 upwards (can't hear it at all when at negative boost). A friend has a similar noise on his Glanza Turbo that he's traced back to a crack in his manifold, but I would have thought that the standard cast manifold on the GTI-R would have been tougher than that? Could it be a gasket gone, or related to the next problem and possibly be a sign that the turbo has seen better days? Its annoying as hell, and the car sounds like a bag of nails, but its still pulling like a train!

Blue smoke. I know its oil, but there's nothing common or identifiable with this problem. Basically, every so often when the car isn't moving, blue smoke starts coming from the exhaust. Theres no set conditions immediately prior to it happening, and oil pressure & levels appear to be normal. Happened a few times when away in Europe that at the end of a long cruise the car would start to puff out blue smoke when the car came to a halt. Also accompanied the bangs when on the Nurburgring too - looking in the mirror after a good few pops I could see a puff of blue smoke too. Anyone suggest whether this might be engine or turbo related? Is is something simple or are we looking at yet more expense?

Funny starting. I know the timing is out, and plan on sorting this in the next few days, and this could be the simple reason, but thought I'd put it up anyway since I'm listing everything else. When we start the car we have to hold the revs at about 1500 for a few seconds before the engine note smooths out and we can let the car idle. If we don't do this the car usually dies, and the only way to start it then is keep the accelerator firmly on the floor and swing out of the starter until the car splutters into life. Anyone care to suggest whether this problem really is as simple as the timing being way out, or is it something more serious?

Clutch. Would replacing all the hydraulic fluid in the system make for a slightly easier pedal? We've owned the car 5 years (off road for 4) during which time the fluid has never been replaced. I could be wrong, but logic tells me that the fluid is bound to deteriorate like oil & petrol in this time so could do with replacing. Am I right or wrong anyone know?

Over the course of this week, and probably the following 2, I plan on doing an oil change, adjusting the timing, replacing the clutch fluid if its worth while, regrounding the MAF, resetting the TPS if I can, bleeding the brakes if I can, re-adjusting the handbrake, doing a compression test. Currently waiting for the bank balance to recover from the wedding & honeymoon before we can afford to book the car in to a proper mechanic, so I'll be doing as much as I can myself and am open to suggestions as to other areas I could look at in relation to all the problems listed above.

Any help greatly appreciated as my Mrs is rapidly losing faith in the car, and I'm beginning to question whether all the money we've thrown at is has been a waste and we should have just scrapped the shitter and bought an Evo 6 RS or something else instead. :cry:


i say there is deffinately something wrong. i have had my catch can on for about 6 months and i have never emptied it and i doubt it even has much in it. i would say your losing your water into the oil. quite possible. you sure you have not blown a head gasket at all.

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
you' ve left the overflow pipe off the rad and your asking why you losing water? lol.

blue smoke sounds like the turbo.

water in your oil could be either head gasket or the oil cooler on the back of the engine.

iv done an easy 10, 000 miles in my car since the new engine went in and its never thrown a ounce of oil out of the breather. fuel in your oil? thats bad mate it' ll ruin your oil and your engine real quick. if you cars not running mega rich then id be looking at the rings...

sounds like your having a real bad time of it fella:(


New Member
GTI-R Kid said:
First up, oil catch can. How often do people usually empty their catch cans?

Not often here Rob. afaik it should be every oil change just to keep monitored.. Someone with more knowledge here may help..

GTI-R Kid said:
Gonna be putting 10W60 in this week - is that ok to use?

Yes its the second favourite. 15w50 not readily available over here thou millers does it and can be got in most places now. - tuners.

GTI-R Kid said:
Losing water. Have noticed that we're losing water from the cooling system lately.

Has the car over heated at all? Any bubbling after driving long spin?

GTI-R Kid said:
Annoying noise. On top of the rattle from the head, a new ticking noise
Its annoying as hell, and the car sounds like a bag of nails, but its still pulling like a train!


GTI-R Kid said:
Blue smoke. I know its oil, but there's nothing common or identifiable with this problem. Basically, every so often when the car isn't moving, blue smoke starts coming from the exhaust.
Also accompanied the bangs when on the Nurburgring too - looking in the mirror after a good few pops I could see a puff of blue smoke too. Anyone suggest whether this might be engine or turbo related? Is is something simple or are we looking at yet more expense?

Ironically, mine is doing the same. However I've just 700 miles on rebuild and it does seemed to have calmed down. However sat morning it got a fit and spat out loads on idle. Then sun morning nothing.
I also suspect my turbo is on its way, as on boost it whines also.
I think the Turbo seals are giving up. waiting to see if I lose boost or what.

GTI-R Kid said:
Clutch. Would replacing all the hydraulic fluid in the system make for a slightly easier pedal?

Big girls blouse. :)

GTI-R Kid said:
we should have just scrapped the shitter and bought an Evo 6 RS or something else instead. :cry:

6??? Its a 5 all day long man....

Sounds lik ur having a nitemare... Hope the oil thinig is nothing too serious.
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Staff member
GTI-R Kid said:
Losing water. Have noticed that we're losing water from the cooling system lately. Not a huge amount, maybe half a litre a week, but losing it all the same. I know its not a water leak as all the water hoses were changed when the engine was being re-assembled and its not really losing enough to be a constant leak, but it is another concern. The under-bonnet fire that we suffered melted off the little take off pipe by the radiator cap, so we currently have no water reservoir, and I'm wondering if this could be the source of the loss?
That's not a water reservoir but an expansion tank. It fills up under driving and water gets sucked back into the system on cooling. Without the expansion tank, you're water system will be overpressuring and be finding every tiny crack to force out of to relieve the pressure. If you keep filling up your system with water then its unserstandable why your car isn't overheating but I could imagine you using 0.25l-0.5l per journey.

It could be linked to your oil issue but I think this is seperate. Where is your oil catch tank, do you still have an oil seperator on the car. The black square thing on the front right of the engine? Removing this gets rid of the back pressure to the bottom end. Again, every time this is under pressure it now goes straight in to the cathc tank. I've recently put a smaller bore pipe inside the 1/4" to act as a restrictor. If you're catch tank feeds back into your breather system it might explain why you are seeing blue smoke?

If in doubt, do a comprression test first, it won't answer all the questions but its is a very good indication.


New fluid in the clutch system would be a good idea as the car's been standing for so long, same with brake fluid, gearbox oil, etc...
And I reckon the reason for the funny engine starting is indeed because the timing's not right, would the engine take a few turns until it starts using the TPS/crank sensor outputs?


New Member
Yes your oil issue is down to not having an oil seperator and the oil restritor pipe (the black pipe from the seperator to the rocker cover).

Fast Guy

Staff member
Have you just had a rebuild or just got it up and running again?

You'd probably have been better with something like the Forge breather system. It replaces the standard item and any oil drains back into the sump, so you never have to empty it and in theory you shouldn't lose any oil through it.

If it's blowing oil out if left, either you have excess blow by (compression check time for worn rings) or you're over filling the oil.

If you can smell petrol in the oil you could be running too rich, this can lead to bore wash if excessive and and again loss of compression (worn rings/bore)

Is there any signs of oil in the water? (normaly the standard oil cooler leaking)

Check your manifold/turbo nuts/bolts are tight. If they come loose you will get the gasket blowing and it could tick. I managed to crack a cast manifold on my montego, so they aren't invincible (mine was well abused tho)

Smoke could well be turbo on it's way out, but it might disappear with a proper breather system (assuming blowby isn't excessive) as it will help keep the pressure lower in the sump.

Clutch- probably not.

Starting - sort your timing and find out;-)


Where to start?! :shock: First of all thanks for the replies. I'll go through each one at a time to make it easier.

remotegt - pretty sure its not the headgasket. Had a metal one fitted to the car, and there's no trace of water in the oil when doing a change or under the oil cap.

Dooie - leaving overflow pipe off wasn't by choice I can assure you. :x The fire melted off the plastic bit it attaches to, so saving the pennies for a new one now. Having a pretty crap time of it at the moment alright. :?

Fazz - car hasn't overheated at all. Highest we've seen on the water temp gauge has been 95 degrees when testing Rishi's theory about the cooling fans coming on. Also, shims definitely need doing (not what you expect after getting a rebuild! :evil: ), but this new ticking noise is as yet unidentified. As for the blue smoke, if its the turbo then it might be 3071 time a lot sooner than was desired. :yawn: And the EVO - 5, 6, 7 Silvia whatever - just beginning to wonder if it might have been a wiser investment than pouring so much into the Sunny. :sad:

campbellju - oil catch tank is mounted where the original air box would have been. Ditched the standard separator, but ran a length of hose from the breather facing front direct to the sump (see pic below for a better idea). Catch can just has the inlet and a breather filter on the other side, doesn't feed back to the intake or sump at all. Whats this about a restrictor though? Didn't realise there was one around the separator when junking all the original piping. Judging by the pic attached would you suggest trying to fit a smaller diameter pipe inside the pipe going to the sump to rectify this back pressure thing? :-o

deslynam - good to hear about clutch. Brake fluid was done when fitting the Wilwoods (entire system drained and filled with new stuff), gearbox is on the to-do list along with diff oils. :oops:

Fast Guy - engine was rebuilt and has now covered about 10k km. Would imagine the car is running rich given the whiff of fuel at the exhaust end, but could this just be a result of the timing being out and hence the air/fuel combination is not being burnt properly? (trying really hard not to think about it being rings gone on a new engine. :cry: ) No sign of water in the oil. Only thing thats out of place is the grey fluid in the catch can, which I can't even be sure is water/moisture. Will add the manifold/turbo bolts to the list now.

So the reviewed list now is to firstly check the timing and adjust as necessary. Then going to do an oil & filter change before doing the compression check. Will then investigate the manifold/turbo bolts for the ticking noise. Will report back tomorrow with any news or results, and if anyone has further comments please fire them up.

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
GTI-R Kid said:
Dooie - leaving overflow pipe off wasn't by choice I can assure you. :x The fire melted off the plastic bit it attaches to, so saving the pennies for a new one now. Having a pretty crap time of it at the moment alright. :?
yeah i do understand fella i think any GTIR owner would and iv certainly had my fair share of moments but i was just stating the obvious with regards to your water loss;-) you can buy an old rad on the cheap (iv got a battered but working one in my garage oh and a spare oil cooler that goes on the block rear too lol) or you could try drilling the hole out and using a plastic insert of some kind glued in with something suitable. id rather try that than lose water every trip and risk overheating...

i had a weird ticking noise coming from my engine a while back turned out that one of the heat shield bolts was loose but seized solid so it wouldn' t move and it only rattled when accelerating from low down for about 1500rpm...

on another note:D if i were you id cable tie your oil cooler pipes away from the brake master cylinder as steel braid is really abrasive and has been known to wear the side of the master cylinder away:shock::lol:

hope it all works out ok for you.

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Fast Guy

Staff member
Timing--- I assume you mean ignition. It might also be worth checking the cams are timed correctly.


Dooie - that angry smilie wasn't aimed at you just in case you might have thought it was. Thats aimed squarely at the guys who cocked up the fitting of the windscreen and caused the fire.

Had a look at the radiator and don't think there's enough plasitc left to attach anything there. Only about 3-4mm thickness before you reach the end of the radiator cap, so think a replacement is the only real option (and topping up the water regularly in the time it takes to arrive). Cheers for the tip on the rattle, but unfortunately all the heat shields are off the engine so sadly won't be something as simple as that. :sad:

And already have the hoses cable-tied back from the master cylinder. ;-) You can just about make out the purple ties holding it to the end of the fuel rail, and also to the power steering reservoir, all in an effort to keep it safe.

Carl - yeah I meant ignition timing. Ummm, how do I check/set the cam timing? :oops:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
can you not take legal action? no good for now but you should get something out of the pr**ks that caused it:evil:

anyway no worries fella. noticed the ties after id posted but i thought id say just in case and only mentioned the shield as i can see it in the pic lol.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Assuming you don't have vernier camshaft sprocket, it's a case of making sure the mating marks on the timing chain line up with the mating marks on the 2 sprockets with no1 cylinder set to tdc on the compression stroke.

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
and if your running an uprated clutch you should change the fluid once a year really. if you' d seen the state of mattygtir' s when a guy bled it you' d know what i mean...well shitty aint the word:lol: anyway it got to the stage when he couldn' t change gear. if its black that spells bad news for some seals somewhere in the system.
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Carl - you make it sound so easy! Fancy hopping on a Lie & Scare flight to do it for me? I'll even supply the beer and pizza? :lol: What do I do if they aren't lined up correctly (assuming I can figure out TDC for cylinder 1)? And no, no verniers .... yet. ;-)

Dooie - can't do anything really. Know it was their fault, but proof kinda went up in flames. And without proof we don't have a leg to stand on (though thats not stopping us from telling everyone we know ;-) )

Replacing hydraulic clutch fluid added to the growing list. :doh:


Staff member
Both Coxie and Andy told me a bout the restrictor in the standard serperator/pipes. I hadn't thought about it either TBH when I binned my bits too. Not enough experience after I shoved a piece of 1/4" hose up the 1/2" but the cabin sticks of oil less when driving now so I guess its done some good.

On the Water pipe from the radiator, its only plastic so if you can find a hydraulics shop with some plastic connectors I bet you could bodge it with some glue and a small jubille even if there is only 3mm. Its definately the problem.

Couple of other points, my catch tank fluid is not just oil but an oily mess that's slightly emulsified. My engine oil has always been fine. I use 15W/50 as on the advice of a trusted race mechanic to help with the top end rattle of solid lifters. IMO, 10W/60 is a little OTT and not as thick, I was using Silkolene 10W/50 for a long while but have moved to Mobil 1 again as the latest stuff seems slightly better (subjectivley speaking) and I can pick it up from Halfords for less at the last minute on a Sunday etc. I'm not sure if the new mobil 1 is esther synthetic but it is more fully synthetic than the last Mobil1 and it gets dumped every 4000 anyway.


Thanks Jim.

So which pipe should get the restrictor? The one to the catch can or the one to the sump? Or both?

The oil choice is simply because I couldn't find 15W50. Thats what we've been running for the last 8k (mineral for run-in period) but when I went to try source some last week 10W60 was the best I could find. It'll have to do this time, and I'll have another look for the 15W50 before the next oil change.

Will have to have a look at the radiator problem in more detail when I can. Plenty to keep me busy now!


New Member
Rob, 15w50 is available in Extreme in Waterf.

Not many other places have it, but bound to be a Cork supplier there somewhere with all teh machines there..