Sold for 1100..cant believe it.



Well ive just had a seriously bad day. Im supposed to be getting the boat to Liverpool on Monday to sell my car as someone has already paid 200 pounds for my ticket but I hit bad luck today. I took my R for a gentle drive and it started firing on 3 cylinders and smoke was pouring out. This car never smokes and hasn't give me any trouble in the year ive owned it. I changed the plugs and it fired on 4 but it was still smoking so I drove it and hoped it would burn it off but its stil pouring out when im on the gas but settles at idle. It doesnt seem to be the head gasket and it doesnt seem down on power. A friend is doing a compression check tmrw so im hoping for some luck but it sounds like new pistons maybe? Ive told the buyer I will knock big cash off if he fancys ordering the parts as its still running fine and should make the journey home as ive drove it for a good 5 hours today.
If anyone can shed some light on this prob please do so asap as this situation has boxed my head in. Im off to the fridge to grab a beer...


Could be loads of things try all the usual ones first, plugs,leads,dissy cap as these are pretty easy.If the compression test proves the internals are ok start checking the lamda sensor and maf as these will cause excessive overfueling and lots of black/grey smoke.


cheers Gaz, we will see what today brings. Hopefully a bit of luck.


Its blue smoke mate. Also the manifolds been blowing a little bit for a while now, I dont know if this could be the source of the problem or not???

Today we done a compression test and all the bores were about the same. The car idles and still runs ok and is still very quick on boost but is trying to run on 3 cylinders so theres oil getting thrown up on that plug.
I had a close look ahe plugs I took out ystdy and one is slightly oiled and also There was no gap at all so it looked as if something has hit it.
Its got a different set of plugs in now and is just on 4 cylinders and is smoking alot at low revs and high revs, basically all the time.

Heres the worst bit... Im driving it on the boat tmrw morning to sell it for 1100 bulls**t. I just want shut as I cant afford to sort it if it is something major. All the tickets were already paid for and the lad is heading up from Kent now. I drove it round in circles on the Isle of Man ystdy for about 6 hrs so he should get it home with some oil easy.

Any input will be much appreciated........Gutted


Well-Known Member
What were the results of the compression test :?:

It does sound like something bad but if it isnt your gonna look like a right c**k for selling it for £1100 :lol:


Thats rite mate, I will look like a t**t if it turns out to be simple but ive no idea what it could be. Theres alot of smoke.
All 4 bores were about 130 psi. There wasnt any noticable difference. That was with throttle open. I thought they should be more than that going by some posts. Its set up at about 1 bar. Supposed to be about 280bhp by powerstation which was done about 5 years ago so its no suprise if it does need a rebuild. Just bad luck and completely out of nowhere. This thong has never smoked!
Shocker but these things happen dont they.


are you mad, theirs thousands to be made off that car in bits, do what counts and make yourself some money back, you could compensate for the tickets and still be in a far better situation than selling for £1100

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
someone in kent....

anyway the gearbox is worth plenty on its own if your selling an R for £1100 the guys not gonna care if it smokes :roll: your mad :lol: