so much to do


New Member
Well bits are stacking up but have only just recovered from a back injury :cry: so I now have new discs new pads front and rear, air charge temp gauge, new battery, gearshift stabiliser bush, uprated power steering bushes, new number plates and maybe new exhaust oh and oil pressure sender unit, and blue gauge led's, may renew my fuel filter as well, gonna be busy just hope the back holds up!


New Member
well, put the battery on and its effing flat! so thats going back,
done the gearshift bush- much more positive change now done the oil pressure sender unit got a more reliable reading now, then decided to go out and test it :( got pulled doing 85 in a 50! told him that because the battery was dead the speedo wouldn't read right as it affects the delimiter
(which i think it does actually) anyway he give me a lecture and said I was giving him b*llshit so i said rev the engine and watch the speedo then
he started to get grumpy so I said sorry darling and left, at least I got off 8) so discs and pads next...