So Close yet so Far........


New Member
Started my car today after 6 months, primed fuel system and oil pump ticked her over and it went pop pop pop Vrooooooooooooooom.
Oh how ive missed that sound :lol: once it warmed up i rev it to 3 grand to make sure there wasnt anythink rattling or belts lose, and BANG went exhaust :wink:
Only prob i got is one of my ubend pipe by o2 sensor, one stud has thread :evil: so i got a M10 bolt and nut same length as stud and tightened it up, so the u bend and downpiped were flush and yet it was only blowning by the stud i replaced, so i took pipe off and mad sure o ring gasket was in centre put Nissan Red sealent gasket round stud side(same stuff used on oil sump) and tighend it up. The sealent seap round the sides so i smoothed it out round the edge to keep it air tight.
Will this work or do i need to get the Stud hole helicoiled and a new stud? :cry:


New Member
creedy said:
just drill it out abit bigger and tap it.

then you can put a bigger bolt in there :D
I got same size bolt through there but i just seems to be blowning, its now blowning the other side which wasn't before :roll: Downpipe is now cover in sealent gasket :roll: if this dont work no japfest grrrrrrrrrrrrrr