Snapped Bolts In Turbo!

Matt Evans

I've recently decided the change the metal pipe which attaches the turbo to the intercooler because the old pipe had a snapped bolt where the bracket holds it onto the engine block, only to snap one of the bolts going into the turbo housing while trying to take the pipe off, then I snapped another one while trying to put the new pipe on :shock: :!: :!: So basically out of the three bolts that once held the pipe to the turbo, there is now only one :!: I've tried drilling them out but to no avail. Is there any way I can fix this without having to drill, maybe change a part of the turbo housing or something :?:


if so youll have to change the whole compressor housing.
poss you can get a broken turbo and use the one from that.
or you could just bore out and make new threads for a thicker bolt to fit.


New Member
If there is enough of the bolt left stuck out of the housing you should be able to use a stud / bolt extracter on it, however this should be in conjunction with applied heat i.e. welding gear would do.

Id take it to a garage, a competant garage should be able to get the feckers out for you, however you may have to pay for a couple or so hours labour charge :(


Ant. :wink:


guess it could be done with the turbo in place. never tried that dought...
but its not tricky to change the compressor house. just some care and a little rubber hammer should do :D


important to be really careful when doing this!
if you havent adjusted a turbo before give me a PM and ill give you a quick guide how to procede without doing damage to the turbin itself..


3 options, drill it and extract it with easy out's, fully drill and tap it out or weld a nut to the remainder of the stud, their is also the spark eroder but that will cost the most, jeff