small oil leak


andy n

just got back from a bit of a thrash and noticed a burning oil smell. checked underneath and it was dripping onto the exhaust just in front of the flexi bit on the front pipe. smelt like engine oil. anyone know where this could be coming from.
thanx in advance.


could be the turbo oil feed or return pipes, maybe sump, jeff


If its at the back of the engine could be the oil filter or like I had a leaking diff output seal on the drive shaft. :?


Yeah probally the oil filter if its dripping on to the exhaust flexi id did a oil change last nite and its dirrectly above the flexi.

Check the tightness of the filter best bet is to change it soon as possible dont want it coming loose then spilling all your oil through it.

Cant be the sump if its leaking on to the exhaust as its lower than the exhaust, could be turbo oil feed pipe or rocker gasket, take the car for a run then take it to (quick fit) on the ramp let them find it.

Dont let quick fit touch the car just say "il leave it thanks" might cost u a tenner but better than trying to find it laying under a trolley jack in the garage.

Brett G

Mine was the same but it was coming from the oil feed line to the turbo and it was dripping straight onto the downpipe. Not sure what you mean by flexi bit? is that at the back of the engine? If it is then I agree with PULLDOG, its probably (hopefully) the oil filter.
You probably already know this but if you jack up the right hand side and take the wheel off you have really good access to the oil filter mate :wink:


andy n

thanx people. i'm jacking it up tonight after work and hoping its the filter. if its the turbo feed pipes what are they like to do is it just a case of tightening them up or is it a replacement job.


you may get away with tightening them or possibly replacing the copper washer's, if the pipes split your best off getting a braided replacement, i have them on mine, they seem of good quality, jeff

Brett G

I tried tightening mine and it turns out the pipe was split and so by tightening it I just made it a great deal worse :shock: If it is the oil feed line to the turbo and you find that its leaking from the turbo end then the chances are that the pipe does have a little crack in it as I've been told that this is a fairly common problem with the standard pipe. It is a very akward and fiddly job to replace this pipe in situ but with patience it is possible. You may have to take the radiator and front grill off though for access. If this is the case and you are replacing this line then as Jeff suggested replace it with a stainless steel braided one as these are less likely to fail :wink:
ex-gtir (Mike) on here should sell you one if thats what's required so if you need one give him a pm :wink: let us know how you get on.


andy n

well i had a look underneath and theres oil on the tranny box and the steering rack but none on the back of the engine. there was some on the end of the tranny box breather. so i hope its from there. i'm gonna keep an eye on it this week. i'm due an oil change anyway so i'll look further then. where does the turbo pipe go on the back of the engine?

Brett G

If you're looking from the front of the engine bay at the turbo then the feed pipe meets the engine about 6" diagonally down and to the left of the turbo (at a guess :roll: ) The pipe is only about 12" long. Hope this helps
