

I pulled into my works car park going 5 mph, turned a corner, understeered a lot on the ice, i had to tap the throttle to bring the back end round before i hit something!

the i let the car role back down to 5 mph, put my brakes on slowly to manouvre into a car park space, ABS went absolutly nuts and i couldn't stop!! I slid for about 25 foot!!! i was chatting to people as i was sliding who were walking in the same direction!!!!! luckily the car park was practically empty!!

H980 Pulsarkid

New Member
I remember when I drove mine through some heavy snow in Dartford a few years back - it was great fun altho I was the same, had to whack in the power at sliding at 5mph to turn it away from clonking a kerb. Felt pretty hairy spesh with the ABS as you say going spako.

Was pretty scared of hammering into stuff so didn't give it any welly.

Now a company car is there to be spanked ! :lol:


Search didn't come up with too much first of all.

Any theories on where the sensitivity comes from - the electronics side or the crap standard braking side?

If something could be made up for sensitivity would it make the ABS useful in all situations?

but it's probably not worth looking into, I'll just pull the fuse out for our 2 days of snow every year or take it out permanently and use my feet for ABS instead

:roll: :lol:


Active Member
I have fitted a switch to my ABS , by passing the fuse through an inline fuse and a switch.
ABS does not work well on soft snow or gravel its better to let the wedge of snow /gravel build up in front of the wheels to stop it.
I fitted mine to race the car but more than often leave it conected.
My Pulsar is off the road until March :cry:
But still had great fun this morning in my Toyota Surf, kept it in rear wheel drive so tail out, which is fun in a 2 ton car. :D

Cheers, have fun



I have my ABS on a switch, but its always off because the brakes actually work like that :lol:


Still waiting on some shims!
LeeSmith said:
Kenny said:
LeeSmith said:
would there be any benifit doing this?
You would have probably stopped sooner this morning without waiting for the ABS to make up it's mind.
LOL so if i take out this fuse it would be safer to drive in the snow then....?

See the ABS has been handy on the slippery downhill braking so i use mine in the winter...

Having a switch on dash is handy because it means you can turn it off for track days with out the hastle of loseing the fuse... You can then turn it on again for normal driving which will help save some tyre life...

Just for pure ease more than anything...
