Shot peening


Active Member
With all talk about shot peening gearboxs recently i was wondering what sort of price it costs if you just want your gearbox internals done?
I will be rebuilding the box myself so i just need a rough price and a good place where your guys get this done?
Also what parts get shot peened forks,gears,shafts etc?
I think you can also get the casing done aswell?if so what sort of price does this cost also?


Active Member
pm 00sid he is doing mine tomorrow
he is shot peening the gears and selector forks for me
can be worth getting case done aswell


i had my gears and a few other bits done at a place in leicester.
your looking at around a tenner a cog or for small items such as selectors etc.

can work out quite expensive if you have everything done, so i went for the 1st 3 gears and selector forks as these are the most stressed items, especially number 3 gear

theres a few places that carry out the work, but a lot of them dont touch engine or box internals funnily enough!

the place i used was called thunder or thunderbolt engineering in liecester. just remove the gears etc that you want done and get them in the post to them. mine were done and back within a week.

but dont be fooled by thinking this will make your box bulletproof. it merely reduces the chances of stress fractures in the metal by pounding it with ballbearings at a high velocity, which puts a dimpled effect on the cogs etc and removes any moulding/raised joints in the metal, which is where the gearings can break under extreme loads!
itwill make the box last longer, and 20% less likely to break through stress fracturing!

but if your gonna rag the car with launches etc, it will still break, but just not as quick as it would have done before, so you still have to be carefull what you do with it if you want it to live a while.
dont think you have got yourself a quaiffe box because it has merely been shotpeened;-)


Active Member
shot peening the 3rd-4th and 5th selector forks is one of the best things you can do in the box as some types of ally can be nearly 3 times more resistant to damage after being shot peened
(this is coming from a metal fatique engineer i know not my own views lol before anyone asks me why)


Active Member
Thanks for the reply guys,very intresting:-D I will pm 00sid and see what he say first as i don't think he is to far from me,i am near ashford and i think he is from croydon?


New Member
how good is cryo teating the case and/or selectors, gearsets. theres a place only 20mins away from me that does it, it claims it does all the motorsport gearboxs and engine components etc. they even claim on cryo treat brake disks which will last upto twice aslong.

not sure of the name of the place tho, but pesh gtir knows.


Active Member
pulsarboby said:
theres a few places that carry out the work, but a lot of them dont touch engine or box internals funnily enough!
Sorry to rake up old coals, why wont alot of places shot peen engine or box internals Bob?

Been thinking about getting my standard con rods done (thats if they arent fooked :lol:)


New Member
rayman75 said:
how good is cryo teating the case and/or selectors, gearsets. theres a place only 20mins away from me that does it, it claims it does all the motorsport gearboxs and engine components etc. they even claim on cryo treat brake disks which will last upto twice aslong.

not sure of the name of the place tho, but pesh gtir knows.
dave, the company your thinking of is called frozen solid and i got a quote from them for the complete gearbox and a few other bits for a reasonable price. Although my gearbox has been shotpeened already i think il send my gearbox off to them when i do the engine swap just to strengthen things up even more.

just for reference my cars running 330lb/ft on a shot peened gearbox and has taken part in track days without failure