Shitting myself! Reasurance needed please!



Hello there i got up this lovely morning and decided that today was the day that my shiny new fuel pump would be fitted.

Now i am no mechanic, but i am very handy with tools and most things providing i have a decent set of instructions available. I would never try something i though would be dangerous to me or my car if i was not sure of my capabilities.

Anyway spent about 45 minutes getting to the stage where i am about to put the new walbro in and wack it all back together.

Fisrt of all, wires in the fuel tank!!! Thought possibely one to feed the pump, but there are shit loads running through there.
It is not the wires already there that is worrying me but the new one that i am about to connect. Now in the instructions si am told to cut the wires about 2" from the pump and connect to the new one. This means that two wires that are joined by a straight through conector and my faithful crimping tools are going to be sat in a tank full of fuel! :shock:

My questions to you are;

1) Would it not be a better idea to join the wires nearer the top of the tank, (less time submurged in fuel)?

2) Am I going to dy when i turn the key! :shock: :shock:

Also a far less worrying problem is that i was under the impression that the walbro required a foam sleve to be put round it to make it the same size as the original? Is this the case or do you just chuck the old rubbers round it and qwedge it in?

Tried pursauding my dad to be the one to turn the key while i sat in the garage but, well i am sure you can imaging his response!

Help please :roll:


wear a flame retardent suit :lol:

have you read Gingas how to guide for fitting fuel pump in how to section, might have some helpful tips?


yes mate i have but his comment of now you should be afraidm, very affraid just before he tells you to start it up is what triggered my pant filling experience!


Just go an start it, what's the worst that will happen :shock:

If you've followed the guide correctly then you should be fine :wink:


Active Member
Edd said:
Just go an start it, what's the worst that will happen :shock:

If you've followed the guide correctly then you should be fine :wink:
yer dont drink dr pepper when u do thou :D :lol: :lol: :lol:


I know that there were loads of loose conections before i removed the old one, but i didn't know about them so felt safe, now i know that there are loads of wires floating arround in there i want to cry!

Also the pump i was suplied by mr purple monster didn't have a sleeve in it. Can i use anything else to bulk it up? Sponge or pipe lagging?


I followed Ginga´s notes on how to replace the fuel pump exactly. Connected the two wires to the pump with a crimp and taped them , put it all together and crossed my fingers :D . So I´m still alive and since the car hasn´t blown to pieces I don´t worry ( anymore at liest :oops: )


Active Member
:lol: the reason the wires are connected as close to the pump as possible is because its not the actually liquid thats flammable its the fumes it gives off that will burn so even if it shorts out or sparks aslong as its in the petrol it will be fine but if it sparked in the air in the tank the results don't bare thinking about :shock:


Active Member
Petrol does not conduct electricity.

It's very safe to have electrical connectors in fuel tanks.

If you want, get a 12 volt live and an earth wire, submerge them in the fuel and keep touching them to each other - nothing will happen.

DO NOT take the same 2 wires and hold them just above the surface of the fuel and try the same thing unless you are truely fucked off with this life.

Oh and
N.B. some of those crimp connectors you get - the insulators aren't petrol proof. So the plastic melts away and leaves the connectors exposed and then they short blowing a fuse.

Always wise if doing this kind of thing to cut the 2 wires at different lengths so if the insulation falls away the connectors can't touch.

GeeTee 8)


make sure u dont fit the fuel pump in upside down as it will suck fuel from the engine instead of supplying fuel to the engine


Active Member
antilag said:
make sure u dont fit the fuel pump in upside down as it will suck fuel from the engine instead of supplying fuel to the engine
Maybe somebody should have mentioned this to Andy (rsnissan) then pmsl :lol:


How the hell do you fit it upside down? :shock:

I got home well pissed last night and decided that then would be a good time to see if it was going to blow up so i woke all tghe neighbours up at 6:30 this morning with the plesant sound of my goose. :D

As its working, does that mean that it is fitted correctly?

Didn't join the wires in the end, did it propa by wacking them directly into the conector block.


upside down :D :D :D LOL
Just dont be o afraid. ur insured arent yuu? :wink:


i done mine earlier on this year & i dont think a day goes by when i suddenly think
submerged power wires in a fuel tank,,,1 lose spark, kerboom
hmm :?
surely thats not good

but it aint blown up yet :shock: :D