shes left for sweden thanks to ..


Active Member
car left with no owner 10 minutes ago chris off here flew over today and collected it
hes only got a 900 mile drive home lol

been a mad few months with car but big thanks to ed, kieron and si for al there help with the car etc

back to evo land i go
(waits for comments lol)


So no totb, o well take it the car went for about £6k. You must have made a good £3000 on that lol.
Well we are both in Evo land now, are you getting that evo with 600bhp, think its a white 2 or 3.
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Active Member
andrew said:
So no totb, o well take it the car went for about £6k. You must have made a good £3000 on that lol.
Well we are both in Evo land now, are you getting that evo with 600bhp, think its a white 2 or 3.

i wish id made 3k profit lol id do these for a living
by the time you add the 3-4 weeks solid labour ive spent on it and 2 complete cars thats before the gt30 and management etc i would say ive made a lose ive had 3 days off work this week just to get it ready etc

i might be at totb in an evo not to sure yet but that evo 2 is a mates i help build and ed mapped its about 620 on pump fuel

the one im looking at will have a similar spec when it gets the new turbo but that wont be for totb


New Member
ashills said:
back to evo land i go
and good bloody riddance, im sick to death of the near daily 'pulsars are cr@p' type phone calls :lol:

i guess the pulsar kept you out of trouble for abit and gave ed a good car to work with on the standard ecu, shame it never got the 2bar printout :sad:

i look forward to making your new proton look slow in the future ;) :lol:


Well-Known Member
ashills said:
back to evo land i go
(waits for comments lol)
I reckon you got rid of it because you were too scared to run it anywhere and break it, well that or your just trying to get away from pulsars and all the c**ts that own them these days :lol:

Shame to see you sell it so soon :doh: Does that mean you dont want those brakelines now then :lol:


New Member
he still needs them cos in the short time he owned it he managed to rob numerous parts off me and si to sort things out, so si is now brakeline less and im still waiting for a rocker cover gasket :lol: and whilst i think about it, can i have my oil cooler back or did you fit that ? :lol:


Active Member
lol yeah send your address over again mark ill get a cheque down to you as i bet si wants them for totb next weekend

and kieron you can buy your cooler back LOL


New Member
Allen, you knober, can't believe you sold the car.

I'll get your money sorted out for you soon. Just need to get this weekend out of the way. Don't forget to call me in the morning once Ed's van is loaded.