


can someone list what needs to be seviced and when. my R's done 54k and had a major service and is just about to have engine oil and filter change. what needs servicing and at what interval? thanks


New Member
Engine Oil: 3-5k (Personal preference)

Gearbox: 15-20k

Transfer: 15-20k

Rear Diff: 15-20k

Coolant: Once per couple of years or maybe less (Personal preference again)

These are the rough intervals i stick to, engine oil i leave until the 5k mark.

Spark Plugs: Depending on Mileage every 10-20k depending on boost levels etc.

Leads: Every 2 years.

Fuel Filter: Every year or every 10-20k

Rotor / Dizzy Cap: Every 2 years.

All of the above are just guides and is my own personal preference, you ask others on here and you will get a totally different answer, to be honest as long as the parts and oils are changed on a regular basis you are less likely to have any related problems so i dont mind spending the money on these.

Ant. (Prepares to get shot down lol):lol:
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